Bishop Idea

Med-High base attack
Medium base health
High base crit rate
High base crit damage
Passive: Control over his power makes him immune to power drain, burn and steal.
Whenever a debuff is placed on Bishop, he consumes 10% Max power to shrug it off.
When landing and receiving Critical Hits:
Place a Power Leak on the opponent, draining 3% of their max power over 3 seconds.
Every power leak reduces passive power gain by 33%.
Passive: Energy Overcharge
- Lasts 6 seconds.
- Stack upto 5.
- Increases the chance for the opponent to activate a special attack by 60%.
- If the opponent activates their special, it consumes itself and prevents the opponent from activating their ability on their special attack.(Like Yondu's SP3)
- If the opponent doesn't activate a special attack, on expiry, it detonates dealing 100% of Bishop's attack rating.
SP1: Places 1 energy overcharge. Gains additional crit rating.
SP2: Places 3 energy overcharges. Doubles the duration of any active power leak applied.
SP3: Places 5 energy overcharges. Detonates any active ones.
Signature Ability
Bishop absorbs ambient energy, allowing him to gain (9 - 33%) of any power the opponent consumes or loses.
His Sig abilitiy discourages Blade's Regen, as it will fuel his power meter.
He has decent power control via his power leaks, as a defender.
Overall, annoying defender.
Decent damage output as an attacker, good power control. Shuts down unstoppable via energy overcharge.
Medium base health
High base crit rate
High base crit damage
Passive: Control over his power makes him immune to power drain, burn and steal.
Whenever a debuff is placed on Bishop, he consumes 10% Max power to shrug it off.
When landing and receiving Critical Hits:
Place a Power Leak on the opponent, draining 3% of their max power over 3 seconds.
Every power leak reduces passive power gain by 33%.
Passive: Energy Overcharge
- Lasts 6 seconds.
- Stack upto 5.
- Increases the chance for the opponent to activate a special attack by 60%.
- If the opponent activates their special, it consumes itself and prevents the opponent from activating their ability on their special attack.(Like Yondu's SP3)
- If the opponent doesn't activate a special attack, on expiry, it detonates dealing 100% of Bishop's attack rating.
SP1: Places 1 energy overcharge. Gains additional crit rating.
SP2: Places 3 energy overcharges. Doubles the duration of any active power leak applied.
SP3: Places 5 energy overcharges. Detonates any active ones.
Signature Ability
Bishop absorbs ambient energy, allowing him to gain (9 - 33%) of any power the opponent consumes or loses.
His Sig abilitiy discourages Blade's Regen, as it will fuel his power meter.
He has decent power control via his power leaks, as a defender.
Overall, annoying defender.
Decent damage output as an attacker, good power control. Shuts down unstoppable via energy overcharge.