Mordo Bug?

So I was doing Trials of the infinite and was using a 3* Archangel on a 3* Mordo. I parryed Mordo and did a heavy attack and the astral evade activated and did no damage to my Archangel while his heavy attack carried on. I don't know if this a bug but this might be something anyone can do. So Kabam please look into this!


  • Dexman1349Dexman1349 Member Posts: 3,060 ★★★★★
    It's because AA's heavy attack has two hits very close to each other. It's actually working as intended.

    AA is one of the very few who can hit Mordo when he's stunned (Drax's medium hit is the same).
  • Cho153gath_Cho153gath_ Member Posts: 4
    Oh ok I now have a better understanding of it now thank you.
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