5600 Prestige Boss Killer Looking for AW focused Alliance


I am currently looking to push in AW and would love to finish this season in at least Gold 1. Any Platinum Rank would be incredible. I've been as high as Tier 2 (in the old format) and currently sit teetering between Gold 1 and 2. Not too excited about groups with crazy minimums for every single event as I really want to be AW focused but as long as minimums aren't too outrageous I'd be interested.

I always solo my path (1 or 2) and always take out my mini boss. Being that I crafted my roster specifically for those paths I'd like to stay on one of those paths.

If you look at my profile you can see that any Magik, Juggernaut or Mephisto boss also gets melted and I always one shot them.

My AQ requirement is 5x5 (very little map 6 experience), I don't really care if we don't do map 6. Just trying to push AW!!!

EST timezone
IGN: greywarden
Line ID: pcd0912

If contacting via Line please send a screenshot of your current rank in AW, anything Gold 1 or higher :)



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