AQ map 5x5, looking for 1, expert tier, 250k++ rating

[EFL66] Elite Force of Legends: 8M and growing alliance
What we are:
> expert tier in AQ (we score 85 - 95M every AQ).
> Currently Gold 3, we are aiming to be gold 1 or higher
> SA weekly (21-40%)
> Arena AE not mandatory (Usually minimum we get units from our grinder)
> 3 BG sometimes 2 BG for war, depends on member avaibility

We need 1 new member who want to grow together with us.
What we need:
- Can Handle map 5x5
- Communicate during AQ and AW (we play with people not bot)
- Donation weekly: 134.000 gold, 30.000 BC, 12.500 Loyalties
- Alliance Event Minimum: SA (9.000), Completion (15.000), Duel (650), Item Use (1500)
- LINE to communication (We have each respected Group For better Coordination)
- 250k+ rating minimum

If you interested to enter our team, please contact:

Our in Game name (if you give friend request please make sure you have empty spot for your friend list)
> Infineos, or
> Zaitca (Leader)

or add us in LINE:
> ardiansusanto88
> zaitca111 (leader)
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