Ga mora 4 star

SuraSura Member Posts: 89
I just duped 4* Ga mora. I never use her. How is she?
I usually roll a un-duped Drax as my Cosmic.

My 2 other I always use are a duped 5/55 Vision (AOU) and a un-duped Gwenpool.

Is Ga mora just arena fodder even as dupe?


  • Deadbyrd9Deadbyrd9 Member Posts: 3,469 ★★★★
    Yes, she can have nice crit damage on specials but that bleed is all she can do
  • Savio444Savio444 Member Posts: 1,781 ★★★★
    I think she pretty good, mines at 40 Sig, rank 4 mostly used in arena. The when the assassination on a special happens it does pretty good damage.
  • SuraSura Member Posts: 89
    That's what I figured and heard. Just an arena champ.
    Thanks for the info.
  • dkatryldkatryl Member Posts: 672 ★★★
    Her biggest problem is her sig only works once per fight. So awesome in Arenas, which are usually pretty short, but in longer fights, it's useless.

    They really need to revisit the once a fight deal with her, at least similar to LC's recent buff to his sig.
  • DaMunkDaMunk Member Posts: 1,883 ★★★★
    She just okay. Lots of fun to use but her assassination only triggers once per fight. She's really good for short fights but in more endgame content she lacks something. Really wish she was just a little better.
  • KnightarthusKnightarthus Member Posts: 419 ★★★
    edited February 2018
    She is pretty bad. I was unfortunate enough to get her as 6*. No utility and the “guaranteed special crit” equals to average specials while still being way below specials of champions like Storm or Rocket Raccoon. The assasination once per fight is pretty useless in end game. Bleed doesn’t stack and special 2 does the exact bleed as special 1 so you are forced to use special one to try and increase the unimpressive damage.

    Trash tier champion
  • ArmyBratArmyBrat Member Posts: 87
    Honestly I loved her during the first year of the contest but age has not served her very well. Too many better cosmic champs out there now.
  • YotzYotz Member Posts: 117
    3/30, that's it, she is arena fodder.
  • Dexman1349Dexman1349 Member Posts: 3,060 ★★★★★
    edited February 2018
    Both my 3* & 4* are arena grinders too, but she does help build a decent crit team for Starlord like Ice mentioned.
  • XFA_RebootedXFA_Rebooted Member Posts: 1,048 ★★★
    edited February 2018
    Actually, it is Gamora.
    Also, how do you have a maxed 5* Vision? Makes no sense.
  • Thunder5715Thunder5715 Member Posts: 98
    She is good for aq upto map 4. As said she is good for short fights so you don't take much block damage. Although a timer to refresh her assassination would be a good buff. Although I feel she is better than unduped drax but that's personal choice.
    Also vision (aou) at 5/55? Is vision even available as 5*?
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