Ga mora 4 star

I just duped 4* Ga mora. I never use her. How is she?
I usually roll a un-duped Drax as my Cosmic.
My 2 other I always use are a duped 5/55 Vision (AOU) and a un-duped Gwenpool.
Is Ga mora just arena fodder even as dupe?
I usually roll a un-duped Drax as my Cosmic.
My 2 other I always use are a duped 5/55 Vision (AOU) and a un-duped Gwenpool.
Is Ga mora just arena fodder even as dupe?
Thanks for the info.
They really need to revisit the once a fight deal with her, at least similar to LC's recent buff to his sig.
Trash tier champion
Also, how do you have a maxed 5* Vision? Makes no sense.
Also vision (aou) at 5/55? Is vision even available as 5*?