My profile display error!!

Hello everyone i don't know whether its bug or not,the picture shows my top 4 champs as u can see it but when my profile is viewed by some other person it shows in a different manner see yourself pls fix this ASAP!! my alliance members notified me by seeing this that my profile is not showing stark spidey and i verified it by viewing my profile through my other account.
secondly its due to your mastery set up and the true prestige of those champs
This is correct. My profile used to by a 4* duped 5/50 CB instead of a 3/45 5* that I had at the time. There are far more concerning issues with the game right now, like bugs!
Btw whats the Point in Hiding Your InGame name??lol
U view ur profile as per ur mastery edited prestige.
So the views are different
What other people see is your highest prestige champion.
What you see is your highest PI champion.
It's designed that way. Why? I don't know. KABAM logic I guess.