Error : Your transaction cannot be completed

KabilatKabilat Member Posts: 36
Is there a limit in buying stuff?
i have a balance of USD150 in my account and yet i can only buy stuff price range from usd4.99 to usd9.99?
i successfully bought tony stark unit bundle at usd29.99 a few days ago but today, the error message keep on coming out whenever im trying to make purchase. then i tried to buy the 135unit and no problem at all. whats the error that kept me from buying??aptzpvc7bnik.png


  • MattScottMattScott Member Posts: 587 ★★
    Uh oh. Exceeded credit card limit.
  • KabilatKabilat Member Posts: 36
    im not using credit card bro. im using google play gift card. i got USD150 balance inside my google account.
  • SolswerdSolswerd Member Posts: 1,879 ★★★★
    Might want to ask Google Play...
  • Kabam LyraKabam Lyra Member Posts: 2,936 ★★★★
    Hi Kabilat!

    Sorry to hear you are having issues using your Google Play gift card. Please reach out to our support team so that they can help investigate this issue. You can do so by clicking on the gear icon in game and clicking "Support" under the Account header. If you aren't able to get to the in-game link, you can use this form instead.
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