Sorry for being cryptic my friend icemans coldsnap is supposed to negate all evade except for dexterity but while coldsnap was active and i was fighting spider gwen her evade from sp1 was active still while my coldsnap was active and it did not negate it she was able to evade
Spidergwen has an active evade, not passive like Spiderman and Nightcrawler. Coldsnap only works on passive evades. Same thing with sym Spidey, you can nullify or steal his evade since it's an active buff
I just ran into a 5* awakened Spidey on node 51 in AW with my 4* 5/50 awakened Iceman. He evaded me like he would any other champ even while under Coldsnap. Never had that happen before. Is it something with the node? Or was it a glitch?
Sorry for being cryptic my friend icemans coldsnap is supposed to negate all evade except for dexterity but while coldsnap was active and i was fighting spider gwen her evade from sp1 was active still while my coldsnap was active and it did not negate it she was able to evade
This was addressed. It does not negate active evade. Spider Gwen does not have an evade. She only gains "Active" evade buff after using her special 1. Coldsnap or any other true strike such as Karnak can't negate that. The same story with Symbiote Spiderman, he gains active evade buff after his specials and cannot be negated with Coldsnap or a true strike.
This was addressed. It does not negate active evade. Spider Gwen does not have an evade. She only gains "Active" evade buff after using her special 1. Coldsnap or any other true strike such as Karnak can't negate that. The same story with Symbiote Spiderman, he gains active evade buff after his specials and cannot be negated with Coldsnap or a true strike.