Please, Please, Please Kabam Buff Sentry

I really like sentry but he has no use in the game which makes me really sad. It says in his bio that he has the power of a million exploding suns. I would think that would mean that he could incinerate the opponent or cause degeneration as too much sun light degenerates the DNA in cells. His reality warp is cool if he is awakened and high signature but that is tough for players who get him and don't have the resources to awaken him and increase his signature. His state of mind is not that good. 70% of the time he gets no benefits and on top of that Sentry might have too much power or not enough to benefit from the boost to his special 1 or 2.

Also how is void incinerate immune and Sentry isn't? I would think someone that has the power of exploding suns couldn't be incinerated otherwise Sentry would burn himself using his powers.

I have a few suggestions based off what I think after using him in game. If he was boosted to have some kind of regeneration, power gain, incineration, degeneration or immunities I could find a use for him. It wouldn't have to be anything crazy. Like a little regeneration and some more damage with like incineration and/or degeneration would be enough for me. Even if he had some kind of immunities and had some power gain with a percentage boost to his state of mind so when I finally get one to activate like a special 2 I could wait until I get 2 bars of power to take advantage of the boost. I am no expert but I think he needs some kind of buff.

Even on defense I would like to use him but with so many blades out there it makes it almost impossible to justify using him.

I understand that not all champions have to be amazing but with Sentry the in game story made him sound so amazing and how strong he was and he falls really short of that expectation. I mean he is one of the originals in the battle realm and the collector was even afraid of him but no one playing the game is afraid of him. I really want to diversify my roster and use different champions that other people really aren't using but it is too hard to justify doing so when there is such wide gaps between characters.

Please please please Kabam buff him! The science champions are lacking in my opinion and Sentry could be that science hero that is needed. Void is a good character why can't his counterpart Sentry be at least decent.
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