Seasoned summoners and howling commandos should be awarded five star champions

BigdayBigday Member Posts: 19
For the 1st year 5* champs were not even available. I was at level 60 way before 5* champs were even available. Now you see people at level 15 with 5* champs.…$
How fair is that.
That’s why I believe that seasoned summoners should receive two five star champions and howling commandos should receive three five star champions think about it


  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    Again, its a dumb idea. Why you need to posted it twice?
  • BobomanBoboman Member Posts: 716 ★★
    Bigday wrote: »
    Just ignore it DUMMY !!!
    Instead of trying to make somebody look stupid
    Dropfaith wrote: »
    Bigday wrote: »
    Just ignore it DUMMY !!!
    Instead of trying to make somebody look stupid

    Don't look stupid and nobody will make you look stupid

    That and stop re-posting
  • SungjSungj Member Posts: 2,117 ★★★★★
    Lol well if you reposted so am I, I'm a Howling Commando and this is stupid, you should want to earn rewards not have them given out for free. A 400k rated player who ground out incredibly hard for 2 years shouldn't miss out on rewards that some 200k casual player got just because they found out about the game later.
  • SgtAnime1SgtAnime1 Member Posts: 66
    Did you post this same thing again..?
  • BigdayBigday Member Posts: 19
    Yes I posted it again. I understand what you are saying. Look at my profile. I grinded for a while also. You guys are taking my post way to seriously. If kabam awarded you a 5* for each year, would you be upset? You would be thanking me.. you grind and many people spend money for their champs without grinding at all I’m trying to help you out
  • BigdayBigday Member Posts: 19
    I agree you shouldn’t be rewarded for just logging in. You have to be active. I’m sure kabam can tell how active you are. An hour or two for a year takes commitment.

    I appreciate you being respectful 👍
  • BigdayBigday Member Posts: 19
    I meant an hour or two a day for a year takes commitment
  • AddyosAddyos Member Posts: 1,098 ★★★★
    Bigday wrote: »
    I meant an hour or two a day for a year takes commitment

    No it doesn't. It just means you like the game a lot and aren't turned off by low drop rates, poor customer service and frequent outages and lags. And your sense of entitlement because you've been a long time player is misplaced, unless you're perfectly fine with receiving a 5* Howard the Duck, She Hulk and HulkBuster which Kabam will want to give you if they decide to follow your inane suggestion.
  • MattScottMattScott Member Posts: 587 ★★
    Don’t they already do this with shards in the calendars.

    OP. Just take that and stop asking for handouts. It’s sad.
  • MhykkeMhykke Member Posts: 431 ★★★
    I did think about it.

    And I reject it.
  • Zeke_the_XbotZeke_the_Xbot Member Posts: 456 ★★★
    So you are saying that because someone started the game at ripe opportunity to get a 5* quickly at an earlier stage of the game and their progress than your 2+ years of playing you deserve more 5* champs for nothing, lol what?!?!?!
  • ScottryanScottryan Member Posts: 477 ★★★
    What should be done is a milestone system that gives you rewards based on reaching a certain prestige and a certain rating. You could get somethig like a 5* crystal for hitting 300k rating or a 5* awakening gem crystal for hitting a prestige of 6.5k. This would work beautifully as it would make players want to increase prestige not just for their alliance aswell as make players not want to sell champs
  • Rogue42Rogue42 Member Posts: 1,006 ★★★
    I deserve free stuff! Gimme gimme gimme!
  • RasiloverRasilover Member Posts: 1,477 ★★★★

    I agree i would LOVE a 5 star blade for logging in to compensate for going 0/5
  • adqqedfyvradqqedfyvr Member Posts: 463
    Just one would be great but imo it's a bit much to ask
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