Seasoned summoners and howling commandos should be awarded five star champions

For the 1st year 5* champs were not even available. I was at level 60 way before 5* champs were even available. Now you see people at level 15 with 5* champs.…$
How fair is that.
That’s why I believe that seasoned summoners should receive two five star champions and howling commandos should receive three five star champions think about it
How fair is that.
That’s why I believe that seasoned summoners should receive two five star champions and howling commandos should receive three five star champions think about it
That and stop re-posting
I appreciate you being respectful 👍
No it doesn't. It just means you like the game a lot and aren't turned off by low drop rates, poor customer service and frequent outages and lags. And your sense of entitlement because you've been a long time player is misplaced, unless you're perfectly fine with receiving a 5* Howard the Duck, She Hulk and HulkBuster which Kabam will want to give you if they decide to follow your inane suggestion.
OP. Just take that and stop asking for handouts. It’s sad.
And I reject it.
I agree i would LOVE a 5 star blade for logging in to compensate for going 0/5