No more AQ & AW Energy

There are Linked nodes in AQ & AW so players will still move in order even with infinite energies. Plus AQ & AW energy can't be purchased like quest energies so it won't get profits but only wasting players' time.
Getting rid of energy spoils good team work and coordination which are a major aspect of aq/aw
Alliances may play the waiting game until last second to see how the other alliance is doing to decide wether to use items or not. It may potentially take the whole thrill and fun of AW.
That being said, the limit should be increased to 8 or the timers need to be shorter.
Make it stupid expensive so people don't buy loads and finish AQ in a few hours.
Just have it available for when you've waited all day for someone to take a node and you'll miss 100% by a few minutes.
We've all been there.
I agree with your opinion on AW. I didn’t consider this could happen.
there is no need to write arrogant comments,because that doesnt help...people,who cant login for few hours,because of job,family and other more important things are suffering with the aq and sometimes with the aw too.this system,with the 60 minutes timer,doesnt work,very annoying and frustrating.maybe you are 12 years old,without responsibilities.unfortunately we need to work,we have families,friends.not just this silly game with full of bugs and unfair cheats from should be fun again.
are you trying to be funny?didn't happen.