4* Iceman R5 or work on 4* Sparky

So I've been working on my iceman and generally saving up my T4C and T1 Alphas to get my 4* Iceman to rank 5, but I just pulled a 4* Sparky today and i don't know whether or not to finish working on Iceman or to work on Sparky now.
For reference my main team was a mix of 4/40 Sparky, Star Lord, Iceman, Archangel, Rogue, Void, and 5* 2/35 Hawkeye and Iceman.
I'm guessing since you aren't overflowing with T4b, you probably haven't 100% Act 4 or started Act 5 yet... in which case I'd prioritize a set of 4/40 God champs over your first 5/50. Sparky hits SO much harder than Iceman and you'll want that for parts of Act 5.
First of all thanks for everybody's feedback, great food for thought. Secondly I you're absolutely right I'm halfway done with Act 4. My team rn is a duped 4/40 Punisher 2099, duped 5* Jugs 2/35, unduped old man Logan 4/40, Iceman 4/40, and Duped nebula 4/40 as of right now. I switch out Nebula with 4* WW2 Cap,4* Black Blot, or a 5* Loki all rank 3's
Starky .. situation