If Kabam cares about the health of the players, increase energy caps to cover 8 hour sleep!

The way the game is currently set up it encourages players to forgo sleep so they do not miss out on energy use. Quest energy cap should go to 80, and AQ/AW should cap out at 8. This way players can sleep normally and not worry about losing energy. Thank you.
We need higher level and more energy.that should happen longlong ago.also more mastery points.who cares about your opinion?
Biologically speaking, interrupted sleep is almost as bad as no sleep.
And to the “beating a dead horse” topic: que sera sera...focus on your gameplay.
Lol sleeping 13 hours is not normal even for growing teenagers, this isn't matter of you getting a healthy amount of sleep it's you being lazy
If you are naturally sleeping a whole 13 hours you need to set an alarm and wake up at least 3 hours earlier. 13 hours is over half a day and it's not healthy.
It's like being dead and alive
Less energy = longer naps! Its perfect