Should a new version of Spiderman introduced??
Means we do have a lot of spiderman in this game, but if we have a more introduction it will be awesome accounts will be called collectible, More the superheros , more excitement among the players, love this game though, please do vote..
Should a new version of Spiderman introduced?? 43 votes
This isn’t contest of spider-man it’s a game full of all marvel characters and I think I would rather have a new character like Apocalypse or Nova than another Spider-man character...
You asked a yes or no question, but only have two options for yes in your poll.
exactly, just because there is more of them doesn't mean this game needs more spiderman.
Sorry everyone for not asking or putting a " NO" option I am really sorry everyone. I did it in a haste, so sorry it was just a question for which I asked that to an incomplete question really sorry and I am felling guilty about it, sorry