Kabam support is horribly misinformed

I was logged out of my Game Center while leaving my house. Mostlikely bc I turned off my WiFi to use my phones data. When I logged back in the AQ miniboss black widow I was fightin had full health. I had knocked her health down to 68%. My health at the start of the match was 98%. A bleed node that was still up caused my champ to fall to 43%. My champ was still at 43% while the BW was back to 100%. When I contacted kabam support they emailed me back and said that I had been penalized for running out of time in the match. Which brought black widow to full health. I didn’t run outta time first of all. And second I’ve never been in a fight where running out of time has caused a penalty let alone one where the champ goes back to full health.