is SL's S2 nerfed ?

been noticing since yesterday.. SL's s2 is hitting lower than his normal hits. Did anyone else notice that ?


  • AlCapone2727AlCapone2727 Member Posts: 428 ★★
    Video evidence ?
  • BUZZdog3000BUZZdog3000 Member Posts: 457 ★★
    Maybe your hit combo is less when you use the sp2
  • Tom_Cruise1Tom_Cruise1 Member Posts: 56
    I most probably will not make a video (too lazy). I have been using SL for a long long time, so I know how he works and his s2 usually does plenty of damage. But have been shocked with the low damage since yesterday.

    I am looking for the opinion from the people who uses SL all the time.
  • weavileweavile Member Posts: 288
    when I use him against masochism node his Sp2 barely do any damage even at 60+ combo. I know that they heal by 7% but sp2 normally blow off 20-50% health in one swing
  • Galandriel79Galandriel79 Member Posts: 40
    I have noticed it as well. in AQ his L2 would usually do in the realm of 15-20K and last aq he hit only 7-8K
  • ChinalordChinalord Member Posts: 24
    The easiest way to find out is just to duel ws in rol... a 4* r4 about 170 hits
    A 4* r5 about 130 hits
  • SungjSungj Member Posts: 2,117 ★★★★★
    I've been farming ROL for potions with 5* starlord at rank4 and it seems to be doing fine
  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,447 ★★★★★
    He works fines
  • CaramesCarames Member Posts: 284 ★★
    He works great.

    I use his sp2 all the time
  • Tom_Cruise1Tom_Cruise1 Member Posts: 56
    usually his s2 does a critical hit (about 80-90% of time), but today it's doing normal hits more (critical seems like 1 in 4 - 25%).

    yesterday I used his s2 on 45% armor node.. and his s2 did no damage as ciritcal ignores armor but normal does not.
  • SungjSungj Member Posts: 2,117 ★★★★★
    usually his s2 does a critical hit (about 80-90% of time), but today it's doing normal hits more (critical seems like 1 in 4 - 25%).

    yesterday I used his s2 on 45% armor node.. and his s2 did no damage as ciritcal ignores armor but normal does not.

    If your starlord has been having an 80% crit rate for this long you've just been incredibly lucky. Starlords crit rate is about 20% and that includes his sp2
  • BahamutBahamut Member Posts: 2,307 ★★★★
    usually his s2 does a critical hit (about 80-90% of time), but today it's doing normal hits more (critical seems like 1 in 4 - 25%).

    yesterday I used his s2 on 45% armor node.. and his s2 did no damage as ciritcal ignores armor but normal does not.

    That’s not a nerf, that’s RNG
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