10 million alliance that is Perfect for the Semi-Serious player

We achieve sa rewards weekly. Play aq, open to whoever wants to play. We play different maps based on player feedback. Usually 54332. We play all wars (Gold 3)and ask for everyone to participate at their own schedule. We don't have minimums that you have to get to in events though we usually do well in them. Line is available but optional. We do kick players that are inappropriate or don't play. We manage the alliance with the emphasis that we all get along. It's a real team and family feel here while striving for victory and building each players team. Contact me in game if you feel like it'll be a good fit. Blev1. 250k or higher please.
Rating 307,000
Prestige 4,000
Been playing for about 3 years mostly with the same alliance for past 2-1/2 years. Looking for a change.