What are the odds???
I literally opened a lot of crystals and I only got **** champs..my best attacker is Dr.vodoo and he is the only one.My alliance kicked me for lack of champs for AW attacking. I cannot complete my Uncollected event quest with my champs
you obviously have zero skill whatsoever then if you need better champs than 550 dupe voodoo, 550 dupe thor, 345 rogue and 550 dupe hulk to become uncollected...
No your not reading his post right he said he didn’t have the champs to complete uncollected. Way to go trashing some one and he said the same thing you did . Can’t do it with DV. Don’t be a **** and read before you call out someone for cheating WTF
Just because you spend money doesn't mean you automatically get a 5 star