High tier war ally with low prestige needs boss killers

Marvel-Mania (MM26)
We are super organized ally that is fun and active in both AQ and AW.
Who you are:
-Active in AQ and AW.
-Able to afford donations.
-Able to communicate well.
-Want to grow your hero stock and rank them up.
Who we are:
-Adult mature ally.
-Active in ally quests and wars.
-We use Line App.
PM m_heikal on either game or Line app
We are super organized ally that is fun and active in both AQ and AW.
Who you are:
-Active in AQ and AW.
-Able to afford donations.
-Able to communicate well.
-Want to grow your hero stock and rank them up.
Who we are:
-Adult mature ally.
-Active in ally quests and wars.
-We use Line App.
PM m_heikal on either game or Line app