Cyclops new xavior school ability info needeed

Spidey076Spidey076 Member Posts: 310
After completing rol first time i see that ability i dont kNow whether it will before or recently added but i want to know what does this mean
It says this champion can strike with critic hits even while blocking.critical hit based ability will not trigger through a block.
What does that mean?
1.can Cyclops hit with critical even opponent's is blocking?
2. What dies that mean that critic based ability will not trigger through a block.
3. Any kind kf answer will be appreciated


  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,425 ★★★★★
    It wil say you Can crt But not. If you ise yours sp1 and it normal wil giv amoerbrek it wil only giv more danmge.
  • Primmer79Primmer79 Member Posts: 2,968 ★★★★
    you can crit.... in the sense that its more damage through block than usual. can wear down an opponent who's blocking, but its not great damage. and armor break and such will not apply
  • MegaSkater67MegaSkater67 Member Posts: 1,380 ★★★★
    It's a new ability that cyclops got in the last update. Basically when you attack a blocking opponent cyclops can still get critical hits. They won't appear in yellow though you'll just notice a higher damage number. When it talks about critical hit based abilities not triggering through a block, that means that they'll only work on normal critical hits when the opponent isn't blocking. So if he's duped, he gets x% increase for critical damage rating on beam attacks (ie when you use a special attack). This won't apply to critical hits that you get on blocking opponents, only if you actually hit them.
  • MayhemMayhem Member Posts: 91
    I would appreciate the yellow number coming up when they are blocking so I know it's actually working.
  • TreoTreo Member Posts: 403 ★★
    Believe me it is working .... he does way more damage if you find a red cyclops on a buffed node in aw
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