The champ you get is determined the second you place the crystal on the spinner. The carousel is just there to show you what champions you could get in the crystal. I believe the carousel is rigged as far as showing a good champ just before or after the one you “landed” on. This is a psychological ploy to make you try another crystal, because you “almost” got that good champ.
It's meant to be that way. It gives you the impression that you "just missed" on someone good, which is a mental trick designed to make you spin again, i.e. spend more money. It's the oldest trick in the book for casinos. You will almost always be one champ away from a 4*/5* ghost rider, blade, mephisto, iceman, dr. Voodoo, etc. Don't fall for the gimmicks. Your champ is already chosen the moment you drop the crystal in the spin circle. You were going to get the same champ no matter what the animation says. Save yourself the drama and just pop them without spinning.
It's meant to be that way. It gives you the impression that you "just missed" on someone good, which is a mental trick designed to make you spin again, i.e. spend more money. It's the oldest trick in the book for casinos. You will almost always be one champ away from a 4*/5* ghost rider, blade, mephisto, iceman, dr. Voodoo, etc. Don't fall for the gimmicks. Your champ is already chosen the moment you drop the crystal in the spin circle. You were going to get the same champ no matter what the animation says. Save yourself the drama and just pop them without spinning.
Very True.
Don't think of spending more