Game Down for last Hour.... anyone else?

It is 8pm eastern and my game has been down since just before 7 pm. Anyone else?
Funny thing... War starts right now for my alliance and I am the one who goes over war placement to be sure champs are in the right places... but couldn't today since it went down 10 minutes before my alarm was set to dot it. Awesome!
I'm on the east coast of the US on an iPhone 5s... and using Wi-Fi. But I am sure this is just a Kabam issue like usual (really... how often is it your phone?).
Funny thing... War starts right now for my alliance and I am the one who goes over war placement to be sure champs are in the right places... but couldn't today since it went down 10 minutes before my alarm was set to dot it. Awesome!

I'm on the east coast of the US on an iPhone 5s... and using Wi-Fi. But I am sure this is just a Kabam issue like usual (really... how often is it your phone?).
Thanks... was not seeing others in the main threads saying it was down so was wondering if it really was just me (but never has been in the past).
Well... so much for War
I got them before the game crashed...even opened a 4* (got Mordo sadly... already got him as a 5* so kind of a waste... oh well, one for the collection
You still unable to connect too?
I just hope it is back up by the time I get up... not that it matters as everything I worked on today is now a loss and I will have missed most of war (which doesn't really matter at this point as placement was never gone over). Arg... lets see if I can get to sleep now...
Ugh.. just fix it already Kabam.
I re-installed the app late last night as a last measure (had never done that so was a bit nervous about trying it). It seemed to work as my game worked after that.