Need alliance - Active Player

I need active alliance with high ratings and plays aw, aq map3 or map2 , has linegroup and is interactive because i want to rank up asap.
Current stats
Total no of champs : 126
Total base hero rating : 70,668
Level: 36
No of 5* champs: 2 both R2
No of 4* champs: 18
2 champs R4 L40/40
4 champs R3 L30/30
Current stats
Total no of champs : 126
Total base hero rating : 70,668
Level: 36
No of 5* champs: 2 both R2
No of 4* champs: 18
2 champs R4 L40/40
4 champs R3 L30/30
Or in game: swing Twisters
2.5mil map2
Maybe i can join your alliance a little later would that be okay.
Once i am ranked up a bit maybe then i would join.
Thank you for support