Dormammu v ultron healing glitch

ChiefsmudgeChiefsmudge Member Posts: 11
There is a glitch in the game where Ultron gains more health that he loses on every hit against Dormammu. It has been the same on the last 3 releases so it is impossible for Dormammu to beat Ultron


  • BornBorn Member Posts: 228 ★★
    I just duelled a 4/55 ultron with a 5/50 Dorm. I was able to get him down just fine. Takes a while but he definitely wasn’t gaining more health than he was losing.
  • Ayushk12Ayushk12 Member Posts: 153
    Depends on where you fought him. If he had the recovery node, where he gets back more more health then he might be doing so. Normally Ultron doesn't regen more than the damage dealt.
    Read his sig
  • The1_NuclearOnionThe1_NuclearOnion Member Posts: 908 ★★★
    On a heal gain node he definitely does. Especially if Ultron is max sig. It's awesome! First time I fought Ultron in expert trials with increased healing, I forgot and hit him with Scarlet sp2 which gave him more health. I did it twice before I realized what I was doing.

    Since pretty much ALL of dorms hits are energy, he heals Ultron like CRAZY! Would be the same for captain marvel.
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