Active 6.6mil Alliance LF 2-3 replacements//Gold tier//Weekly SA//No minimums//Line

Two month old alliance looking to patch a few holes. Laid back, but extremely active and serious about winning/improving. We have fun.
War 3x weekly. Currently Gold 3 (will be 920 rating in next 2 hours). On tier 12 this War (it's a win).
AQ varies. Looking to do map 5 Expert push once I get proper personnel. Score 20-30 million every week doing 3/4 - no mandatory donations (until map 5).
Weekly SA (21-40% - 450k or so), all milestones in Item Use and Completion every week (T1A and 250 4*). No set minimums as long as we continue to hit rank.
I have boss killers, just need daily active players to run paths without dying. Hit me up in-game or on Line: ButOfCorpse. I'm rarely on here.

War 3x weekly. Currently Gold 3 (will be 920 rating in next 2 hours). On tier 12 this War (it's a win).
AQ varies. Looking to do map 5 Expert push once I get proper personnel. Score 20-30 million every week doing 3/4 - no mandatory donations (until map 5).
Weekly SA (21-40% - 450k or so), all milestones in Item Use and Completion every week (T1A and 250 4*). No set minimums as long as we continue to hit rank.
I have boss killers, just need daily active players to run paths without dying. Hit me up in-game or on Line: ButOfCorpse. I'm rarely on here.
