You get parried on the second hit. The first one is autoblocked and the second one gets parried. So you just have to remember to only hit her once when she has living strands.
Thor (Ragnarok) naturally does it (it says in description) and Modok is just a bug
Presumably this is an attempt at balance, as Rags and Medusa can only autoblock occasionally (and are allowed to parry), whereas MODOK autoblocks constantly, so shouldn't parry.
I haven't fought a MODOK in a while - wasn't this supposed to have been fixed in the last update?
Please can someone explain in detail about auto blocking and parry for Thor Ragnarok, Medusa and modok. And the differences between then and how to fight them effectively. 1st block auto block and 2nd block is parry? Please can someone explain with more clarity. Thankyou.
Ragnarok can auto block intercepts ,so just block and wait for an opening if he's stun immune
Medusa can auto block a 2nd hit when she has 3 fury ,so just do one hit dash unless you can remove her fury
Modok can auto block when he has the blue shield icon up ,doesn't trigger parry ;it's fixed
Lol he basically described modok
Presumably this is an attempt at balance, as Rags and Medusa can only autoblock occasionally (and are allowed to parry), whereas MODOK autoblocks constantly, so shouldn't parry.
I haven't fought a MODOK in a while - wasn't this supposed to have been fixed in the last update?
Medusa can auto block a 2nd hit when she has 3 fury ,so just do one hit dash unless you can remove her fury
Modok can auto block when he has the blue shield icon up ,doesn't trigger parry ;it's fixed