8 mil Alliance looking for 3 adult members

We are an adult alliance looking for 3 active players 180k+.
AQ= 55542
War tier 12, working up to tier 9 again
Donations=94k gold
18k battlechips
8500 loyalty
First week is free
Feel free to add me or our leader in game or on line app
Game I.d. FaZe Rat.
Leader. Shazb
Line I.d. rittynzl
AQ= 55542
War tier 12, working up to tier 9 again
Donations=94k gold
18k battlechips
8500 loyalty
First week is free
Feel free to add me or our leader in game or on line app
Game I.d. FaZe Rat.
Leader. Shazb
Line I.d. rittynzl