NCNs Alliance discussion page

Hey All... this has been created for my Alliance to discuss and view our Top Heroes and Mastery's set up!
Comments by others are Always Welcome!!!
I revere the excellent advice I have been graced with by members in these Forums!!! So, by all means... comment away!!!
Please don't flag this as I/we are intent on following Forum rules at all times!
Comments by others are Always Welcome!!!
I revere the excellent advice I have been graced with by members in these Forums!!! So, by all means... comment away!!!
Please don't flag this as I/we are intent on following Forum rules at all times!
I've marked which are duped and what level that Signature Ability is currently at!
I've kept the bottom 5 low specifically for Versus Arenas! If any of them get duped or if significant changes or upgrades happen... I will let you know!
And the following are my Mastery's pages and settings!! ALL ADVICE IS WELCOME!!!
I'll post who I use in AW- Attack and Defense soon enough but any worthwhile suggestions will be treated with due respect!!
Thanks Folks!
Didn't work
Which are your attackers and defenders?
Which are duped?
What do you think I should emphasize in my heroes and Mastery's?
My AW Attackers have consistently been:
4* ArcAngel ( w' GR Synergy )
4* Ghost Rider (who has X23 synergy)
4* Starkey (has Synergies w' Ironman & Miles)
But my options are:
Rogue (recently duped)
X23 (recently duped)
StarLord (recently duped)
Nebula (whom I have always loved using)
My AW Defenders have been:
4* Nightcrawler
5* Black Panther Civil War
4* Dormammu
5* Green Goblin
And recently began using
4* Cyclops (Blue) - duped
I have used
4* Voodoo (for Synergy w' Dormy)
4* Starkey (for Synergy w' Goblin)
4* Miles Morales ( for Syn w' Starkey)
5* Rhino
And I am considering using:
4* IronMan (duped) [for syn w. Starkey]
4* Magik (duped) and after I Rank her up to 4/40
- she is next for me to Rank Up!!!
And Nebula, StarLord, or eventually The Hood!
Might change one of them with SL
defenders: rouge, gambit, Hyperion 4* 50/50 unduped, ultron and magic.
Your attackers seems fine, try to play with x23 and SL against WS in ROL. Test them there, SL is only good if you can hold a combo, Also you need to get cruelty 5/5 as crit damage and rating is fundamental for this game.
For defenders, try to test them at different nodes and look at their kills, magic should be one of your defenders as soon as she is lvl 40
For Attackers, I use X-23, Elektra, and Thor
Attack: x-23, Elektra and Stark Spidey
not sure about upgrading medusa and Dormammu yet, waiting for some t4cc to try to make SL rank 3 and Maybe magic and GR rank 5, not sure Which of them first. Trying to hold on to My t4bc
Their intelligence isn't available elsewhere and I'm not that paranoid! Lol
Should I be? What have you heard???
Seatin's Top MCOC Best Heroes in Each Class on YouTube!
If anyone knows a better guide. all means ... let us know!!!
1- be aware of this page
2- care about the nuts and bolts of their opponents
3- have or take time to search thru some obscure Forum page looking for data on 5 heroes amongst 150 placed to find out "oh no! QUAKE HAS GLASS CANNON MASTERY!!!"
4- be so obsessed about Victory that they search the Web for "NCNs Alliance"
HMMM... that's actually a good idea!!! Lol
When I posted this topic in General Discussions... it was to help My Alliance!!! And give direct access to the benefits of the wisdom abundant on this forum!
Thanks for pointing out the absolute worst (& impossibly unlikely) possible outcome for us posting here!
The likely outcome is that my Alliance members have:
1- changed their Mastery's to increase their hero ratings by 200-400 per hero (already happened)
2- altered their AW Defenders and Attackers to increase the likelihood of Victory in War (already happened)
3- better understood their own Alliance (already happened)
I welcome friends and enemies to view this page and learn whatever they can!
Thanks in advance for taking the time to do so... I appreciate it!
There is no reason to hate, just keep scrolling to next post if you don’t like it mate.
In any case, whatever works for you is ok.
Which heroes are duped and what level?
And who are your primary ( and secondary ) AW Defenders & Attackers?
Did you see the Mastery Guide posted above?