Just an FYI.

GhriffinGhriffin Member Posts: 45
Look, no hard feelings or whatever...... All I am saying is that many people just opened multiple 15k crystals and got dog ****. I know many got Blade and my bros, couldn't be happier for you, honestly.

This post is about this current offer. Why would anyone spend 50.00 dollars for 9/10ths of a 5* Crystal when your target demographic are people that haven't pulled decent champs?

People that got Blade, duped him, have Iceman and Medusa, they don't need that deal. The people that would need it, people like me are ones that opened 5 featured and pulled garbage. Why would I pay 50.00 bucks for another 20 levels on my Iron Patriot?

There shouldn't be garbage champs in the 5* braket yet there are loads. To the point you can open 5 of them and ONLY get garbage. It should be less so for 6*s.

Stop putting trash champs in high tier crystals and maybe people will spend money.

Who is in charge of this? Maybe you should hire me and increase your profit by 75% over the next 2 years........


  • GhriffinGhriffin Member Posts: 45
    Yeah, you are right, without a doubt! I agree with that 100%. You missed the part where I demanded only God tier champs in the crystals and missed the part where I said eliminate the trash tier the further up you go.

    0 reason I open 5 premiums at 15k shards a piece and don't pull one mediocre champ.

    It's non defensible bro.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,964 ★★★★★
    You suggested having no Garbage Champs the higher up you go, which leaves the God Tier rising. Who determines what stays and goes? The Players are the ones who have their own preferences, Garbage/God, and the higher you go, the more people consider everything but the God Tier as Garbage. Which totally contradicts the purpose of having over 100 Champs and a random Crystal.
    We all roll Champs we weren't going for. It's part of the game. If you had Crystals that had nothing but the best the higher you go, no one would progress underneath, and it would negate having a range of Champs in general. They all can't be Blade. Otherwise Blade would be as appealing as Kamala.
    There are a range of Champs, and if people play so selectively that they only go for the same few, that leaves a high percentage of the possibility of disappointment.
  • GhriffinGhriffin Member Posts: 45
    If you want to pretend current content can be cleared with any champs be my guest. The reality is, it can't. Kabam has fostered a meta where you have certain champs and can clear if you have skill or if you don't have those champs......... lol, fu, give us money.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,964 ★★★★★
    Different Champs have different uses. Some content has certain Champs that perform more efficiently. One could argue that real skill could make use of any Champ, but the real point I'm making is there's more to the game than what everyone else wants and uses.
  • GhriffinGhriffin Member Posts: 45
    edited March 2018
    Also, $50.00 dollars for 9/10ths of a 5 star? Are you serious? Zelda for the switch is just 10.00 more, the best game ever made and you can sell it for 40.00 when you are done playing it. Good luck doing that with your 9/10ths of your Iron Patriot......
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  • GhriffinGhriffin Member Posts: 45
    No man, players don't decide which champs are trash and which ones are God tier. The content does that for you. Stop, you aren't doing your argument any favors. That is just silly.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,964 ★★★★★
    You don't know what other people will roll based on your results. For that matter, not all Offers will appeal to everyone. The Daily Cards are useful at some point, for some people. If you don't think it's worth it, great. Someone with 50 bucks who wants another 5* might. There's more than IP in that Crystal. People pull Champs everyday. If you're not happy with it, great. You don't have to buy it. Blade is not the only Champ in the game, and he's not the be-all-end-all. Can't do much with a limited Roster if you want to make the most of all aspects of the game.
  • GhriffinGhriffin Member Posts: 45
    I understand what your saying and it's not wrong. You have a capitalistic and realistic view of the game from the publishers side and that's cool by me man, it is. Businesses are around to make money, Yeah? Good.

    While your making money though and taking the absolute piss, maybe try harder to make that money work for the end user. $50.00 for 9/10ths of an Iron Patriot dupe isn't exactly value......

    If you want to say, well..... You could get Blade, just call it what it is. A mobile version of Battlefront 2.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,964 ★★★★★
    It's not about Blade. Some people are trying to build a Roster. Some want the Dup. Some just want to increase their Shard flow for a month. If people want to buy it, it's their money. They put out a variety of Offers all year long. That's one of the ways the game stays running. Not everyone plays with the same few Champs in mind. Eventually, Blade will be old and a new one will come, and there will be counters to him. That's how the game works.
  • GhriffinGhriffin Member Posts: 45
    You once again are absolutely right. It's their money and their choice. I couldn't presume to judge those wanting to do so, I'm simply asking why for a multimillion dollar company, I don't feel the need to spend a dime.......
  • godsquad891godsquad891 Member Posts: 779 ★★
    I brought it and from the 4star shards I formed a crystal and from that I pulled blade. From the 5 stars with the shards I already have I will have enough for two basics once ive done monthly quests so for me worth it.
  • SharkJawsSharkJaws Member Posts: 78
    Ghriffin wrote: »
    Look, no hard feelings or whatever...... All I am saying is that many people just opened multiple 15k crystals and got dog ****. I know many got Blade and my bros, couldn't be happier for you, honestly.

    This post is about this current offer. Why would anyone spend 50.00 dollars for 9/10ths of a 5* Crystal when your target demographic are people that haven't pulled decent champs?

    People that got Blade, duped him, have Iceman and Medusa, they don't need that deal. The people that would need it, people like me are ones that opened 5 featured and pulled garbage. Why would I pay 50.00 bucks for another 20 levels on my Iron Patriot?

    There shouldn't be garbage champs in the 5* braket yet there are loads. To the point you can open 5 of them and ONLY get garbage. It should be less so for 6*s.

    Stop putting trash champs in high tier crystals and maybe people will spend money.

    Who is in charge of this? Maybe you should hire me and increase your profit by 75% over the next 2 years........

    yeah. agree. cuz they are desperate to gain profit n their business model is ********
  • ContestOfNoobsContestOfNoobs Member Posts: 2,126 ★★★★★
    i got blade 2/2


    i still got the deal
  • IOSJasoNIOSJasoN Member Posts: 649 ★★★
    @Ghriffin I guess you haven't seen the other 5* offers they've had..

    £99 5* crystal
    £49 5000 5* shards

    This deal for 9000 5* shards for £49 is one of the best 5* deals I've seen them do..

    @GroundedWisdom I understand what you're saying on this one (sorry if this causes offence I intend none) Generally I tend to skip past your comments as they always seem to adopt a onesided approach in kabams favor.. But I agree with this one.. Yes there are champs that are better then others (make game play easier) However most champs are what you make of them.. I often favour and use a few a lot of other players consider trash..
  • Icecold2099Icecold2099 Member Posts: 577 ★★★
    Ghriffin wrote: »
    Also, $50.00 dollars for 9/10ths of a 5 star? Are you serious? Zelda for the switch is just 10.00 more, the best game ever made and you can sell it for 40.00 when you are done playing it. Good luck doing that with your 9/10ths of your Iron Patriot......

    Laughable that you say a Zelda for the switch is the best game ever made. What is your proof for this statement? Have you played every other game ever made?

    My point with those questions is that your making opinionated statements as if they are fact.

    You don't need to buy the offer, but to continue to imply the shards will only be used for a dupe of iron Patriot, is as nonsensical as somebody implying they will only be used for 5* Blade.

    I'd agree if you were saying that they should put an offer out every once in a blue moon that had only high level champs in it, but if you they'd sell it for over $99 so it'd only be for the whales anyway.
  • CloserByTomorrowCloserByTomorrow Member Posts: 145
    I just posted this in another thread;

    Everyday can’t be Christmas op. Either keep playing and shut up or put the game down and shut up. These forums are way too frequently used for people to cry and vent their frustration. Keep it in your ally chats
  • XFA_RebootedXFA_Rebooted Member Posts: 1,048 ★★★
    Ghriffin wrote: »
    Look, no hard feelings or whatever...... All I am saying is that many people just opened multiple 15k crystals and got dog ****. I know many got Blade and my bros, couldn't be happier for you, honestly.

    This post is about this current offer. Why would anyone spend 50.00 dollars for 9/10ths of a 5* Crystal when your target demographic are people that haven't pulled decent champs?

    People that got Blade, duped him, have Iceman and Medusa, they don't need that deal. The people that would need it, people like me are ones that opened 5 featured and pulled garbage. Why would I pay 50.00 bucks for another 20 levels on my Iron Patriot?

    There shouldn't be garbage champs in the 5* braket yet there are loads. To the point you can open 5 of them and ONLY get garbage. It should be less so for 6*s.

    Stop putting trash champs in high tier crystals and maybe people will spend money.

    Who is in charge of this? Maybe you should hire me and increase your profit by 75% over the next 2 years........

    Gramatical error
  • Carnage313Carnage313 Member Posts: 359 ★★★
    I was very tempted to buy the 5* offer. Was getting ready to go get an iTunes card. Then I finally got the shards for a 6* and opened Karnak. Quickly reminded myself as to why I shouldn’t spend. Don’t want to spend 50 dollars for a 5* antman. But that’s just me. Opinions vary.
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  • Blax4everBlax4ever Member Posts: 683 ★★★
    Ghriffin wrote: »
    No man, players don't decide which champs are trash and which ones are God tier. The content does that for you. Stop, you aren't doing your argument any favors. That is just silly.

  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,964 ★★★★★
    The content varies depending on what you're doing and where you're at. They didn't create over 100 Champs so that most can sit on the shelf while everyone goes for the same few. Now, there's no question that some are more all-round than others. However, popularity and the idea of God/Garbage is maintained by the Players.
    Point blank, they can't all be based on popular opinion. There are many Champs, and just because people have a preferred list doesn't mean they need to omit the rest. There's something to be said for accepting what drops.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,782 ★★★★★
    Ghriffin wrote: »
    No man, players don't decide which champs are trash and which ones are God tier. The content does that for you. Stop, you aren't doing your argument any favors. That is just silly.

    I cleared act 3 and most of act 4 with Colossus and Gamora. Both 4/40. Every champ has it flaws. If you know how and when to use them, they can be good champions. @GroundedWisdom is right. Kabam doesn't release champs saying "Newest God tier Champion". The community and youtubers make that designation. I loved using Colossus. I thought he was a good champ when i was using him. Almost took him to r5 but my alliance mates talked me out of it and i r5'd X-23 instead. You are upset at not getting Blade. It's pretty obvious how upset you are. So to make yourself feel better, you want Kabam to "only give you what you want" to make it right. Sorry, try playing the lottery and never when and then ask for the jackpot because you feel like you deserve it now. Get over it.
  • Ou_YeahOu_Yeah Member Posts: 45
    The solution should not be someone making the determination of who is God-tier and who is not and pruning based on that. The criteria for whether a champion is desirable or not is completely subjective. I'm sure some people want Carnage because of the comics, whereas those who could care less about that would say he's garbage. Also, if everybody could only get God-tier champs in crystals, then there goes the balance in the game. It's already bad enough fighting through the same champs in war all the time. It will happen in arenas too because the "crappy" champs will get more rare. The better solution is for Kabaam to get off their butts and update the less desirable champs to have some better utility. Kudos to them for updating Luke Cage and Red Hulk, but there are plenty of others that need looking at.
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  • SnizzbarSnizzbar Member Posts: 2,278 ★★★★★
    Ghriffin wrote: »
    Look, no hard feelings or whatever...... All I am saying is that many people just opened multiple 15k crystals and got dog ****. I know many got Blade and my bros, couldn't be happier for you, honestly.

    This post is about this current offer. Why would anyone spend 50.00 dollars for 9/10ths of a 5* Crystal when your target demographic are people that haven't pulled decent champs?

    People that got Blade, duped him, have Iceman and Medusa, they don't need that deal. The people that would need it, people like me are ones that opened 5 featured and pulled garbage. Why would I pay 50.00 bucks for another 20 levels on my Iron Patriot?

    There shouldn't be garbage champs in the 5* braket yet there are loads. To the point you can open 5 of them and ONLY get garbage. It should be less so for 6*s.

    Stop putting trash champs in high tier crystals and maybe people will spend money.

    Who is in charge of this? Maybe you should hire me and increase your profit by 75% over the next 2 years........

    Gramatical error

    Actually, you are incorrect. An ellipsis is three dots (...) and the plural form is ellipses. The poster was, in fact, using ellipses (two ellipsis') along with an additional two punctuation points.
    They may have been meaning to use a single ellipsis but I cannot presume to hazard a guess; in any case, it would be better to check your own grammar before attempting to correct others'.
  • JCPer14JCPer14 Member Posts: 79
    Ou_Yeah wrote: »
    The better solution is for Kabaam to get off their butts and update the less desirable champs to have some better utility. Kudos to them for updating Luke Cage and Red Hulk, but there are plenty of others that need looking at.

    I cannot agree with this statement more!
  • XFA_RebootedXFA_Rebooted Member Posts: 1,048 ★★★
    Snizzbar wrote: »
    Ghriffin wrote: »
    Look, no hard feelings or whatever...... All I am saying is that many people just opened multiple 15k crystals and got dog ****. I know many got Blade and my bros, couldn't be happier for you, honestly.

    This post is about this current offer. Why would anyone spend 50.00 dollars for 9/10ths of a 5* Crystal when your target demographic are people that haven't pulled decent champs?

    People that got Blade, duped him, have Iceman and Medusa, they don't need that deal. The people that would need it, people like me are ones that opened 5 featured and pulled garbage. Why would I pay 50.00 bucks for another 20 levels on my Iron Patriot?

    There shouldn't be garbage champs in the 5* braket yet there are loads. To the point you can open 5 of them and ONLY get garbage. It should be less so for 6*s.

    Stop putting trash champs in high tier crystals and maybe people will spend money.

    Who is in charge of this? Maybe you should hire me and increase your profit by 75% over the next 2 years........

    Gramatical error

    Actually, you are incorrect. An ellipsis is three dots (...) and the plural form is ellipses. The poster was, in fact, using ellipses (two ellipsis') along with an additional two punctuation points.
    They may have been meaning to use a single ellipsis but I cannot presume to hazard a guess; in any case, it would be better to check your own grammar before attempting to correct others'.

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