Looking for active players to join my (fairly new) alliance

Not asking for people who play the game constantly, i understand not everyone has the time (or desire) for that, but i am looking for people who are able and willing to play the alliance quests and wars when they're going. Even if you can only login for a few mins to go a few spaces in the quest or place some defenders in the war or whatever. Just looking for people who will actually contribute something. My username in game is the same as it is on here. My alliance is called The Gotham Underground (Tag is TKM©). We currently have 9 open spaces. It's open for anybody to join but if you aren't actively helping you may be kicked out. (Side note: if you'll be away from the game for several days or weeks for life reasons (work, vacation, family stuff, whatever) please let myself or my officer know. We don't need to know the reason. So long as you let us know you'll be back we will not kick you out for being inactive like that.)