Separate help request and sell gold from stash and summoner prestige

For the life of me I’m not sure why this isn’t already a thing.
1) make it so that when you go to help requests there are a separate tab for arena or quest or a filter option. Most people stop hitting the button once they get the 1000 points unless an alliance member posts that they need help for a quest and then they are buried at the bottom so we need to smash help like 100 times. Please fix this.
2) why can’t we sell gold directly from stash? Instead I need to sell off 45 at a time. Then go into stash, sort by value, claim max, go back to inventory, sell 45, repeat. It’s so annoying when you have 1000 of the worthless 75 iso to sell and have to spend 15 mins of time doing something that could be considerably easier. The process should be: 1) go to stash 2) sort/filter 3) sell
3) I suggested over a year ago that each summons prestige should appear on their page and @kabam miike said it was a great idea and he would take it back to the team. Well here we are 12+ months later and we have silly AW badges on our page but still nothing that actually helps streamline and provide transparency to an essential element of the game. Quite frankly we shouldn’t have to rely on spread sheets and prestige calculators to provide us data you already calculate
1) make it so that when you go to help requests there are a separate tab for arena or quest or a filter option. Most people stop hitting the button once they get the 1000 points unless an alliance member posts that they need help for a quest and then they are buried at the bottom so we need to smash help like 100 times. Please fix this.
2) why can’t we sell gold directly from stash? Instead I need to sell off 45 at a time. Then go into stash, sort by value, claim max, go back to inventory, sell 45, repeat. It’s so annoying when you have 1000 of the worthless 75 iso to sell and have to spend 15 mins of time doing something that could be considerably easier. The process should be: 1) go to stash 2) sort/filter 3) sell
3) I suggested over a year ago that each summons prestige should appear on their page and @kabam miike said it was a great idea and he would take it back to the team. Well here we are 12+ months later and we have silly AW badges on our page but still nothing that actually helps streamline and provide transparency to an essential element of the game. Quite frankly we shouldn’t have to rely on spread sheets and prestige calculators to provide us data you already calculate