[DBMS] is now recruiting! 8 mill Alliance

Hello all,

We here at Dig Bick Millionaires are all about the big bucks! We know that you want to succeed and we can help make it happen. Join us today and be a successful MCoC player. The only thing you need is a craving to be the best you can be.

- Obviously skills
- Roster of 11 champs all rank 5/50 4*, 3/5 5*, 4/5 5*
- Basic knowledge of AQ maps. Currently running 4x4x4x4x4, will increase as we fill rosters.
- Alliance war participation is required. Be able to complete a path without aid of others.
- Respect for others
- Activity is a must. (We consider that life gets in the way at times.)

If this sounds like a place you want to be, let us know! Reach out to me on line chat. ID: Fluffycupcake420
An interview process will be set up with me and the other officers.

Good Luck Summoners!
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