Does anyone else here
Want to see something come out of a quest chest besides iso? Come on Kabam! I have to say...over the years I have played many many of the most enjoyable aspects of some is the treasure hunting as you quest (oblivion and skyrim are good examples) why have you made the boxes so flipping boring with virtually no real distinction between box star levels??? You know I have seen many games patched and added onto...always to improve performance and the players experience...I have never seen a game where the changes made were made strictly for removing full energy refills and extending paths to be more than we can removing any and all team restores and We are going to be squeezed for 4 and 5 star shards and about you throw us a bone and lit some t4cc shards, t4 basic shards, 4 and 5 star shards, full energy restores, maybe a sig stone crystal? Can you not get a little creative and less obvious about choking all the goose for every dime it can **** out?