4900 prestige looking for alliance

Australian (GMT+10) player looking for alliance
Am fully capable of 5x5 and never struggle finishing my path on day 5.
I play quite often i do also have a girlfriend and a full time job and do some overtime here and there so unfortunately wont be on standby 24/7, saying that though I do play where I can.
Prestige will be 4900 after I finish upgrading night crawler
Line Id same as in game name: Pazinator

Australian (GMT+10) player looking for alliance
Am fully capable of 5x5 and never struggle finishing my path on day 5.
I play quite often i do also have a girlfriend and a full time job and do some overtime here and there so unfortunately wont be on standby 24/7, saying that though I do play where I can.
Prestige will be 4900 after I finish upgrading night crawler
Line Id same as in game name: Pazinator