Punisher he's better, 2099 relies more on his awaken ability. I love 2099 specials, so fun to use.
i got 2099 awekened , is he good that way?
He gets more charges which makes it easier for him to power lock and heal block opponents. It really is a matter of personal preference either way though. Both are better champs to use as attackers needless to say.
Punisher he's better, 2099 relies more on his awaken ability. I love 2099 specials, so fun to use.
i got 2099 awekened , is he good that way?
I've got a duped 4/40 and I can honestly say I love playing with him. His animations make his specials super satisfying to hit and if you can learn how to use his overcharge, you'll get heal block, power lock, and stun on your heavy. Personally a good overall champ. Check out Seatin's video on YouTube about him if you're curious. He covers all his abilities, powers, and goes into depth about how his awakened ability plays into him.
i got 2099 awekened , is he good that way?
He gets more charges which makes it easier for him to power lock and heal block opponents. It really is a matter of personal preference either way though. Both are better champs to use as attackers needless to say.
I've got a duped 4/40 and I can honestly say I love playing with him. His animations make his specials super satisfying to hit and if you can learn how to use his overcharge, you'll get heal block, power lock, and stun on your heavy. Personally a good overall champ. Check out Seatin's video on YouTube about him if you're curious. He covers all his abilities, powers, and goes into depth about how his awakened ability plays into him.