Sand-Man Character and my Ablities

XxLoganTDCxXXxLoganTDCxX Member Posts: 2,561 ★★★★
So Spider-Man Characters are my favorite characters in the Marvel Universe. One of the champions I want in the contest is Sand-Man. I have some abilities and a description of special moves. Agree or Disagree? Let me know in the comments!

Bleed Immunity: He is made of sand, not human skin.
Self Repair: In Spider-Man 3, Spider-Man punches sand man, and the hole in his chest filled up.
Solidify: Sand-Man gets wet and the sand hardens. He gets armor up, but he is slower.
Fury: Just because

Synergies: Rhino: Partner in Crime
Green Goblin, Doctor Octopus, Electro: Sinister Six
Vulture, Venom: Allies

1st Special: Sand Man Punches the opponent once with each arm, sinks into the ground with his sand, jumps out, uppercuts, and stabs them in midair with a sand spike, shank, etc.

2nd Special:
Sand Man kicks the opponent away, and he turns into a cannon. He shoots out 3 giant cannon ball, applying three stacks of armor break on the opponent.

3rd Special:
The opponent punched sandman in the chest, but there hand gets stuck. Sandman Turns his hands into a sledgehammer in one hand and a spike ball in the other. He hits the opponent five times, transforms into a cannon, launches them in the air, then slams them down with his sledgehammer.

These are my thoughts for Sand-Man. Put your abilities and specials in the comments! Thanks for reading!


  • XxLoganTDCxXXxLoganTDCxX Member Posts: 2,561 ★★★★
    Make sure to leave a comment! Also, stay tuned for more Champion Requests like this one! Next is Mysterio!
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