Opponents recovery compared to player - No chance for the player to react

This is BEYOND A JOKE. I have been playing this game over 2 years and only after recent updates have the opponents been adjusted so that they recover instantly after blocking a special attack. Yet, its a different story if you block one of their specials, they recover without delay and can block your attack. How the ^&£k do we stand a chance If we have no control over blocking opponents attacks in AQ map 5 and 6???? - 1 combo after the block and you're dead!!!! There isn't even skill involved. SORT IT OUT KABAM.
I had one yesterday dashing on attack before his own SP1 animation ended. I was 2 dashes back. He was using a Dr Strange/Scarlet Which SP1, and was throwing a punch as his "fireball" reached me. My character wasn't even recovering from blocking the first hit when the punch was coming in.
Cable is the worst for it
This needs to be fixed!
Also, since a few updates ago, if you hold the block side of the screen while the enemy uses a Special 3 attack, you will get locked into a block pose until you let go and then re-hold the block side. What's odd is that even while locked into block, the AI can still immediately start landing hits on you after their Special 3.
It's like how in fights you can start holding the block side as the fight starts for a potential parry, yet the AI somehow attacks faster, hitting you before your character can even block.