3.3mil / aq 3 / AW silver 2 looking for six to fill our ranks

War Rating: 948
AW Bracket: Silver 2
AQ Map: 3
Rating: 3,342,181
Milinor is looking for 6 more members willing
to progress and better themselves both as
players and as an alliance. We are fairly laid
back and understand we all have lives outside of the game. Our only requirements are as follows
-hold your own in alliance quest maps 3 and 4
-field a minimum of 15k hero rating for your alliance war defense team
-contribute at least 9k points on every summoner advancement alliance event
-must join us on the Line app for better communication
-and last but not least be nice to others in the alliance and have fun
If this sounds like a good fit for you contact any of the following officers in game or on Line: Spriggin, LGriffs, ZakkattackO, Ashlyerin, or Catstevens4