Howard the duck update idea

Hi guys, i like to use howard the duck, hes fun to play, and capable of huge damage in long fights due to his furies unique timer. But i wanted to make this post to share my thoughts so he could be a good character in different game modes. dont trash talk, its not a buff, but a change.
Passive: Adaptive Suit
He would start the fight with less armor ups( now he starts with 8) Each hit taken would have a chance to trigger a armor up, each hit dealt would have a chance to trigger a fury buff. however each 5 hits taken would remove one armor up.
Whenever either the oponent ou howard loses 10%health, howard has the chance to trigger a fury buff or a armor up buff. (if howard lose 10%, it doesnt mean he will get the armor up buff, its random, he can also get the fury buff) This mechanism is disabled when howard reaches 20%.
Passive: Overcharge
When howard reaches 20%, he regens for 10-15%(?) hp, and the armor up buffs are spent to increase the regen for 5%(?) for stack of armor up. After the heal, howard gets an armor break of X for 7 seconds(?) (to balance the great regen he has)
Signature ability: Final countdown
When close to dead, howard disables training wheels protocol, and gets a massive fury buff according to the amount of fury buffs he has. he would have a fixed fury buff and an increased effectiveness depending on his fury counter.
would be the same, however he can stack up to 6(?) but each debuff reduces by 5%.( would be more effective for resonate) also the debuff can reduce the ability accuracy and power gain. at max the oponent would have less 30% ability accuracy, power gain , armor, attack, block proficiency, regeneration, resistance and crit chance. (maybe some more effects)
would be the same, but maybe more effects: incinerate? stun?Fatigue?
the sp3 would work also based on fury and armor ups. his sp3 has 2 effects depending on the class. First i would change against the mystic, the nullify on crits, thats useless against mystic. maybe power lock or stop abilities( imagine u are during dorm degen, u launch sp3 and ur next crit stops the degen)
The first effect would depend on armor up buffs. If u have X armor ups, u would increase the duration and effectiveness of ur buff from sp3 If u have X fury buffs, u would increase the duration and effectiveness of the debuffs from crits
In my opinion, this update would make howie a great character to play in attack and defense. His regen and armor ups can be op in defense but he reduces the armor ups each 5 hits and gets an armor break after the regen. his regen would work like mephisto, so can be stopped only by heal block
Passive: Adaptive Suit
He would start the fight with less armor ups( now he starts with 8) Each hit taken would have a chance to trigger a armor up, each hit dealt would have a chance to trigger a fury buff. however each 5 hits taken would remove one armor up.
Whenever either the oponent ou howard loses 10%health, howard has the chance to trigger a fury buff or a armor up buff. (if howard lose 10%, it doesnt mean he will get the armor up buff, its random, he can also get the fury buff) This mechanism is disabled when howard reaches 20%.
Passive: Overcharge
When howard reaches 20%, he regens for 10-15%(?) hp, and the armor up buffs are spent to increase the regen for 5%(?) for stack of armor up. After the heal, howard gets an armor break of X for 7 seconds(?) (to balance the great regen he has)
Signature ability: Final countdown
When close to dead, howard disables training wheels protocol, and gets a massive fury buff according to the amount of fury buffs he has. he would have a fixed fury buff and an increased effectiveness depending on his fury counter.
would be the same, however he can stack up to 6(?) but each debuff reduces by 5%.( would be more effective for resonate) also the debuff can reduce the ability accuracy and power gain. at max the oponent would have less 30% ability accuracy, power gain , armor, attack, block proficiency, regeneration, resistance and crit chance. (maybe some more effects)
would be the same, but maybe more effects: incinerate? stun?Fatigue?
the sp3 would work also based on fury and armor ups. his sp3 has 2 effects depending on the class. First i would change against the mystic, the nullify on crits, thats useless against mystic. maybe power lock or stop abilities( imagine u are during dorm degen, u launch sp3 and ur next crit stops the degen)
The first effect would depend on armor up buffs. If u have X armor ups, u would increase the duration and effectiveness of ur buff from sp3 If u have X fury buffs, u would increase the duration and effectiveness of the debuffs from crits
In my opinion, this update would make howie a great character to play in attack and defense. His regen and armor ups can be op in defense but he reduces the armor ups each 5 hits and gets an armor break after the regen. his regen would work like mephisto, so can be stopped only by heal block