[M.A.G.] Rebuilding Alliance Seeking 15-20 Skilled Players

[M.A.G.] is Rebuilding and actively recruiting new and active members. We are currently at 11 members and would like to fill this alliance to serve as a funnel to our experienced alliance [SVY]. Due to limited numbers we are currently running Map 3 in AQ and are Tier 7 Gold 3 in AW. We are accustomed to running AQ 5x5x5, but have decided to take a step back and rebuild. We are all 250k+ and are seeking recruits with similar rating. Our goal is to fill and compete SA requirements so that we can get back to completing Map5 in AQ and serve as a reliable source of talent to SVY. If you are looking for an alliance to grow, please join.
Message LINE skullduggery72 if you are interested.
Message LINE skullduggery72 if you are interested.