Danger Sense Inspiration: Magnetized

mahanmaxmahanmax Member Posts: 87
Magneto is one of my favorite characters. I also use him for MODOK and Sentinel besides Blade. His ability accuracy reduction is as good as Blade (Both 40%) but obviously Magneto is such a pillow hand. His sig ability and utilities aren’t impressive neither. Why not give magneto +40% attack against openers reliant on metal?


  • AgentDoom9AgentDoom9 Member Posts: 271 ★★
    Super idea his damage should definitely be buffed whenever fighting a metal reliant champion. The problem is that blade get this blanket danger sense for villains and mystic through synergy. Now magneto shouldn’t get this through synergy. The ability accuracy should be up to 70% but given that there are more metal than dimensional beings the attack boost shouldn’t be too crazy. I’m not sure if there are more metal than villians though, if anyone would like to count that’d be great.
  • mahanmaxmahanmax Member Posts: 87
    AgentDoom9 wrote: »
    Super idea his damage should definitely be buffed whenever fighting a metal reliant champion. The problem is that blade get this blanket danger sense for villains and mystic through synergy. Now magneto shouldn’t get this through synergy. The ability accuracy should be up to 70% but given that there are more metal than dimensional beings the attack boost shouldn’t be too crazy. I’m not sure if there are more metal than villians though, if anyone would like to count that’d be great.

    I agree it doesn’t have to as high as +40%. I’m good with +20%. For now it seems there are more metal champs than dimensional champs
  • SperaSpera Member Posts: 152
    30 metal - 28 villains
  • SperaSpera Member Posts: 152
    I think it'd be better if magnetism reduces opponents attack on top of the ability reduction ,
  • mahanmaxmahanmax Member Posts: 87
    Spera wrote: »
    I think it'd be better if magnetism reduces opponents attack on top of the ability reduction ,

    Good idea, but he needs more than that. I believe increasing attack or bleed chance are the only ways to save him.

  • UltimatheoryUltimatheory Member Posts: 520 ★★★
    I like the idea. Wouldn't be surprised to see it in a future Unique synergy.
  • Cosmos_2002Cosmos_2002 Member Posts: 137
    edited March 2018
    +50% damage and -70% ability accuracy would be fair considering how weak he is now (compared to the new mutants and blade)
  • Cosmos_2002Cosmos_2002 Member Posts: 137
    SP1 100% to bleed dealing 100% attack rating over 7.5 seconds.
    SP2: Armour break (Half of Gwenpool's potency)
    for 14 seconds.
    Heal block for 14 seconds.
    SP3: Does both the bleed and the armour break.

    Signature Ability
    Prevents him from losing more than 20% of his current health from a single source.
    Stops working under 25% health.
  • mahanmaxmahanmax Member Posts: 87
    Thank you all for the comments and ideas. Magneto needs a buff anyway. Hope Kabam team can notice this post.
  • Mr_Rager27Mr_Rager27 Member Posts: 35
    edited March 2018
    Another thing that needs to be updated is that he should NOT get hit by bullets or ANY metal projectile SP attack.

    They should just be deflected or miss him or whatever. Perfect examples of this would be AV L1, WM L1, hell, even Magneto's L1, Blades L1 & L2, Punishers annoying ass Specials and many more.

    The list could go on and on. I don't think these would be unrealistic at all. I mean he only controls all metal, yet somehow cant stop or dodge bullets, etc.

    @Kabam Miike what ya think? He's one of the coolest characters in Marvel imo and hes pretty **** in MCoC!
  • LocoMotivesLocoMotives Member Posts: 1,200 ★★★
    Mr_Rager27 wrote: »
    Another thing that needs to be updated is that he should NOT get hit by bullets or ANY metal projectile SP attack.

    They should just be deflected or miss him or whatever. Perfect examples of this would be AV L1, WM L1, hell, even Magneto's L1, Blades L1 & L2, Punishers annoying ass Specials and many more.

    The list could go on and on. I don't think these would be unrealistic at all. I mean he only controls all metal, yet somehow cant stop or dodge bullets, etc.

    @Kabam Miike what ya think? He's one of the coolest characters in Marvel imo and hes pretty **** in MCoC!

    I like that one. Could be added as perfect block on projectiles or a chance to ignore all damage from specials when opponent is magnetized. Would be a much better sig than what he has now.
  • LunaeLunae Member Posts: 371 ★★★
    I posted this in another thread but it applies here too lol.

    “If magnetism worked against blade some of the suggestions in here would make magneto the perfect counter while giving him the proper buff he deserves. With magnetism magneto would get increased damaged and either evade blades bullets or block them with an increased reduced damage, ah what a dream :)
  • Atomic_WolfAtomic_Wolf Member Posts: 59
    All of these are really good ideas to buff Magneto, especially adding in an evade for bullets or other metal projectiles. He was one of my favorite champions to use as well before his nerf in 12.0. Some points to add, his SP1 should go back pre 12.0 to being able to stack 2 bleeds and his Magnetism should be permanent like the AI, not expiring after X seconds and needing to be reapplied.
  • SperaSpera Member Posts: 152
    Like the bullets idea ,he does that in the movie (stops bullets mid air) it can function like the hood's invisibility "miss"
  • shadow_lurker22shadow_lurker22 Member Posts: 3,245 ★★★★★
    What is abusive about this post?
  • LunaeLunae Member Posts: 371 ★★★
    Sometimes people just flag post to get a mods attention in hopes that they’ll at least see and maybe take it back the team.
  • SperaSpera Member Posts: 152
    @mahanmax you should definitely go over to the suggestions & request category of the forum and post all these ideas from everybody maybe link this thread
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,196 ★★★★★
    How about this for boosting up Magneto and his abilities?:

    Magneto inflicts magnetism on and off throughout the fight:
    1 - At the beginning of every fight
    2 - By dashing back and holding block for two seconds, Magneto can re-magnetise an opponent.
    3 - A special three attack magnetises the opponent for double the usual length of time.

    When magnetised, opponents suffer the following effects:
    -50% Ability Accuracy
    -250 critical rating
    Vulnerability to special attacks (+10% damage and +20% ability accuracy/intensity)

    Passive effects:
    When blocking, Magneto has a 30% chance to deflect all projectile attacks, and has a flat +30% against magnetised opponents.
    Magneto gains 20% perfect block against magnetised opponents.

  • edited March 2018
    This content has been removed.
  • Mr_Rager27Mr_Rager27 Member Posts: 35
    yea he needs to have stark spidey like evade (or in this case miss or deflect) abilities against metal projectile specials, if not better. All he needs to do is literally wave his hand and done deal.
  • A_Noob_Is1A_Noob_Is1 Member Posts: 762 ★★
    1. Magnetized should have him gain +50% attack against metal champs. Have opponents suffer -15% attack.
    2. He should take no damage when blocking bullets.
    3. If #2 isn't a good idea, have him use magnetism and have him repel the damage from bullets back to the opponent( dealing a decent chunk of direct damage)
    4. His sig ability should be added as a basic ability.
  • dkatryldkatryl Member Posts: 672 ★★★
    I've suggested in the past that Magneto should auto-evade projectiles from a magnetized opponent, much in the same way as OG DD does with his sig.

    Additionally, if he isn't simply given attack power in the same way as Blade does with his danger sense, then he should at least get True Strike (Ignore Armor/Resist/Evades).
  • LunaeLunae Member Posts: 371 ★★★
    A_Noob_Is1 wrote: »
    1. Magnetized should have him gain +50% attack against metal champs. Have opponents suffer -15% attack.
    2. He should take no damage when blocking bullets.
    3. If #2 isn't a good idea, have him use magnetism and have him repel the damage from bullets back to the opponent( dealing a decent chunk of direct damage)
    4. His sig ability should be added as a basic ability.

    Repealing damage would be awesome, I think instead of evading he should have a shield like modox that activates against opponents that trigger magnetism. Either reducing damage, evading/deflecting or repealing like you said.
  • Hulk_77Hulk_77 Member Posts: 782 ★★★
    If you want Magnetism to amplify his attack strength, it should also be via a synergy. Too powerful for him to just have it baked in. That, or it should be a lower amount, like 15%.
  • LunaeLunae Member Posts: 371 ★★★
    It would have to be a bit of both for him to be a blade counter in defense, unless they fix synergies for war.
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