Bonus Points for Available Item Usage in AW?

We all have the standard 15 possible items to use in AW, split between revives, potions, or whatever. Many people complain about fighting wars against "Spenders", suggesting they would have won had the other team not revived their way to victory.
Would it be beneficial, much like diversity/win bonus/defenders left/etc, to give bonus points based on how many available items are left? Especially as that would be more of a performance based metric than, for example, which team had the strong PI defenders, a metric that is more based on the arbitrary prestige rating than how good the defender is.
Would it be beneficial, much like diversity/win bonus/defenders left/etc, to give bonus points based on how many available items are left? Especially as that would be more of a performance based metric than, for example, which team had the strong PI defenders, a metric that is more based on the arbitrary prestige rating than how good the defender is.
I raise this point because let's suppose an ally had a member leave during AW, leaving a Battlegroup short one member. This BG still manages to clear its map with its 9 remaining members. The opposing BG had its full complement of 10 members and also utilized only 9 members to clear all paths. They get extra points not available to the first BG because the remaining member didn't fight and didn't use any items as a result, and these extra points could become the tiebreaker.
Also, an alliance that are usually short a few members will always have this disadvantage perpetually as the opposing alliances will always have more members than them to get extra points from less items used.
In short, awarding points for less items used can become a significant disadvantage to alliances that for one reason or another don't have a full complement of 30 members. This might be a good idea, but it can also decide wars from the beginning just like Defender Diversity and Rating used to do.
Team B, after all, could have alternated players on one of the paths, sharing the load, and maybe not required as many items, where team A took a gamble and it paid off.
As to teams with less than 10 players, it could work like the 240 bonus for kills. Each loss removes 80, until after 3 losses, 0 bonus points. So, assign some number for max potential, for example, 150*30, or 4500. Each time an item is used, subtract 10 from that. If you only have, say, 29 players, you still start with 4500, but since there are 15 items that obviously can't be used by an active player, they would get at least 150 points for the 15 unused.
As to piloting, I hear that, but with the 240 kill bonus per node, the temptation to pilot is already there. If players are willing to cheat, they already have enough incentive.
Again, I'm not suggesting these points would be huge, like Boss kills and exploration, but more a tie breaker type thing, such as diversity and such, that is performance based.
There are some big issues with this.
First, this would just make the piloting issues in AW even worse. We're not just talking deaths, but now we're talking about losing points for using heal pots to top off champs.
Second, most of us have had a disconnect issue in AW. So, with this rule in place, not only do you lose 50% of your health and your attack bonus, but you also lose points for healing your champ up for something totally out of your control.
Finally, Kabam is a business. Rules/scoring that discourage players from spending really don't make much business sense. As a noted YouTuber once said, "A ftp game without whales is a dead game.".
Also a fair point. Going off of the OP's point, someone that uses one L4 pot to top off a champ should get more points than someone that used 10 L1's, even though the person that used the L4 got a lot more health back.
Plus, if we're talking about measuring skill, what about boosts? Shouldn't the guy clearing his lanes with 4/40 4*'s get more points than the guy clearing his lanes with 4/55 5*'s?
If Kabam thought profits would increase from banning AW pilots this issue would’ve been directly addressed by now