Join doomslayers

Active alliance looking for more help in wars and AQs.
Us- 1.5 mil ally, about to crack 700 on war rating after this current war finishes. Will be our 7th straight victory. Reward tier 16, season silver 3 and moving. Mostly S.A. and war driven alliance. We do others but not consistently, that can change with more help. We prefer line but it's not a deal breaker for us.
Ally tag: ds1 or search doomslayers
Game/Line: jboom12
Us- 1.5 mil ally, about to crack 700 on war rating after this current war finishes. Will be our 7th straight victory. Reward tier 16, season silver 3 and moving. Mostly S.A. and war driven alliance. We do others but not consistently, that can change with more help. We prefer line but it's not a deal breaker for us.
Ally tag: ds1 or search doomslayers
Game/Line: jboom12