Today i beat for the first time the ROL WS

Josh2PlayJosh2Play Member Posts: 115
edited June 2017 in General Discussion
So i'm really anxious about beating ROL after seeing some dude on reddit post that he beat ROL less than 3 months in the game.
so i have like 2 and a half weeks to beat ROL and score the record, so 2 days ago i started practicing and today i finally defeated WS in one single go, no revives, no potions, and i even got a lvl 3 potion for free!
4/40 SL
with Yondu Synergy and OG DD/CA/SIM
Do you guys think that i stand a chance to beat ROL in the next 2 weeks?



  • 4_ME_U_D0N34_ME_U_D0N3 Member Posts: 141
    What is Sl sig? i would do expert proving grounds for the extra Sig stones They give..Just to get sL stronger U need a guillotine for Wolverine To go down in seconds And Imo SL sw and x23 are some champs that can solo ROL except wolverine which he regens in seconds Best of Luck mate
  • Jh_DezJh_Dez Member Posts: 1,310 ★★★
    Youll need guillotine for wolverine
    Tho u can do it with starlord
    If u opt to use starlord then you have to keep a longer combo chain without getting hit thoughout the fight.
    For scarlet witcg using a poison immune champ like hulk will reduce potion usage
    As for me i used starlord (maxed willpower and pacify mastery) and it only cost me about 5 level 2 revives
  • Tmasters1984Tmasters1984 Member Posts: 451
    Guillotine Starlord Hulk is a really good team.
  • Josh2PlayJosh2Play Member Posts: 115
    @4_ME_U_D0N3 sig 29, yeah i got the first 6 a few hours ago, and planning on getting the rest for SL, also i don't have a Guillotine so i guess i'm going to use 3/30 Yondu, it will be a tough fight but i think i can manage it, thank you mate i will stream the achievement.

    @Jh_Dez i just got a 204 combo without getting hit to take out WS; the images are above, however i'm shocked with how much block damage i'm taking, probably gonna use yondu for Wolvie as i don't have Guillotine, but i have a full stash of revives almost so i might use my chances against SW.
  • Superman69Superman69 Member Posts: 534 ★★★
    Wow that's amazing. I did it after almost an year, with a 3* SL. So you can surely do it. Just put in guillotine to deal with wolverine (leave her if you don't mind -600ish combo with SL) Much easier option than Yondu for sure.
  • Josh2PlayJosh2Play Member Posts: 115
    @Superman69 i don't know, Yondu might be a little better than SL against wolverine, because all of the fight wolverine will be regen locked and his SP2 will hit decently after some baited SPs from wolvie, wish i had that guillotine right about now :/, can i do it with 2 star guillotine?
  • 4_ME_U_D0N34_ME_U_D0N3 Member Posts: 141
    Josh2Play wrote: »
    @4_ME_U_D0N3 sig 29, yeah i got the first 6 a few hours ago, and planning on getting the rest for SL, also i don't have a Guillotine so i guess i'm going to use 3/30 Yondu, it will be a tough fight but i think i can manage it, thank you mate i will stream the achievement.

    @Jh_Dez i just got a 204 combo without getting hit to take out WS; the images are above, however i'm shocked with how much block damage i'm taking, probably gonna use yondu for Wolvie as i don't have Guillotine, but i have a full stash of revives almost so i might use my chances against SW.

    U will really need guillotine to finish him quicly... watch on youtube how wolve regens and how guill counters ...I dont know how much success u will have with 3s yondu but i hope his heal block will serve u well...for synergies id go with either More power gain or with Crit rate for more dmg
  • Jh_DezJh_Dez Member Posts: 1,310 ★★★
    Its possible with a 2* guillotine
    Watch videos to see how its done
    Mystic dispersion would make it easier if u use a 2* guillotine
  • Tmasters1984Tmasters1984 Member Posts: 451
    Starlords combo.stops at 400 now but that should be enough to take out Wolverine.

    Switch will be the challenge.
  • 4_ME_U_D0N34_ME_U_D0N3 Member Posts: 141
    Josh2Play wrote: »
    @Superman69 i don't know, Yondu might be a little better than SL against wolverine, because all of the fight wolverine will be regen locked and his SP2 will hit decently after some baited SPs from wolvie, wish i had that guillotine right about now :/, can i do it with 2 star guillotine?
    Jh_Dez wrote: »
    Its possible with a 2* guillotine
    Watch videos to see how its done
    Mystic dispersion would make it easier if u use a 2* guillotine

    MD will sure come in handy...If you want to take less dmg while blocking you should invest on Block proficiency and Perfect block chance Which also will increase how much longer ur enemies get stunned on parry
  • Josh2PlayJosh2Play Member Posts: 115
    edited June 2017
    @Jh_Dez Nice! then i should rank up my 2* Guillotine
    But Yeah don't think i can unlock MD yet, lvl 40 and i don't even have Cruelty unlock i'm lacking 3 more cores for that that i might get this week from the 22 hour events.
  • Josh2PlayJosh2Play Member Posts: 115
    edited June 2017
    @4_ME_U_D0N3 I think DD/SIM/C. America has been the best crit team i have, i think they changed Jugg/Colossus/Magik because i only get health % with that synergy, and i think i get less with the mutant team because i don't have either 3 star cyclops or 3 star magneto, any more crit teams you would suggest would come in handy.
  • TheSOURATheSOURA Member Posts: 674
    Josh2Play wrote: »
    So i'm really anxious about beating ROL after seeing some dude on reddit post that he beat ROL less than 3 months in the game.
    so i have like 2 and a half weeks to beat ROL and score the record, so 2 days ago i started practicing and today i finally defeated WS in one single go, no revives, no potions, and i even got a lvl 3 potion for free!
    4/40 SL
    with Yondu Synergy and OG DD/CA/SIM
    Do you guys think that i stand a chance to beat ROL in the next 2 weeks?

    Buddy u have wolveriene/X23? Gullotine/arkangel?
  • Josh2PlayJosh2Play Member Posts: 115
    @TheSOURA Wolverine/X23 only as 3*
    Guillotine 2* and no archangel
  • TheSOURATheSOURA Member Posts: 674
    Ok. I should say wait for these champs
  • TheSOURATheSOURA Member Posts: 674
    1) Ppl mostly who did by sl was the era of perfect block
    2) who mostly did by sw was b4 12.0 patch
    3) i did recently did it. I can guide u the way without using many unit or revive or potion.
  • TheSOURATheSOURA Member Posts: 674
    edited June 2017
    @ I took 4* r4 wolve(duped), x23, hulk(duped), 4* r3 abom(duped), 3* gulli(duped)
    @ wolve was my main champ, x23 was as backup of wolve and little bit health synergy
    @ against ws use wolve. Never worry about sp3(sp3 disabled), never try to dodge sp. Only block. Keep hitting u will keep regening. That is +point of wolve & x23
    @ keep block proficiency & ph resist mastery max
    @ hulk & abom has little attack synergy.
    @ hulk was mainly for jugg. Jugg dont get unstoppability at the begining. He get unstoppability after sp. So keep stun chain on by hulk sp. Here u have to evade sp as hulk dont regen. Always remember dont try to hit jugg when he has unstoppability.
    @ against sw abom & hulk only to protect uorself from poison.
    @ against blackbolt let him do sp2 to let him suicide
    @ against wolve use gully sp2. Remember b4 one regen reverse expire u should apply again. And never loose soul.
    @ for hulk use x23 to do real damage. Careful. Hulk damage dont show mercy when he is at low health.
    @ dont do mistake during dodging (if u want to dodge) storm sp2 & cap marvel sp2. If u dont know the evade point just block. Wolve & x23 will regen back.
    @ all champs has sp3 disabled
    @ fighting with x23 or wolve never use sp
    @ dont worry about rhino he dont bother here by his blockbreak
    These r main things only bother in rol. With right champ & right skill rol is completable. Thnk u. Hope it will help. Good luck.
  • GrinderGrinder Member Posts: 242
    edited June 2017
    It doesn't matter what guillotine you use, they all will do the same thing to wolverine because it's the heal reversal that you're after. Wolverine regens into the 10-15k's per tick very commonly so unless you can permanently heal block for a long duration without ever messing up, you definitely need her. If you slip up and he loses heal block even for a few seconds he will be back to full health. Even with guillotine it comes down to rng and you getting him to stack 3 regen at the right time, but she's by far the best way to deal with him.

    Apart from that SL can deal with everything else, though hulk would come in handy for several of the fights like SW. You wouldn't have to worry about her poisoning and heal blocking with hulk.

    Side note: 4* SL can no longer outdamage wolverine's regen since they capped his damage.
  • 8406GR8406GR Member Posts: 55
    It all depends on your skill level. People say you need this, that, 4* 4/40 him and her or a crit team. Just take what you have. Wolverine can be beat easily with a 3* gully. Everyone else just take duped SL. WHEN YOU RUN OUT OF REVIVES BE CAUTIOUS. The game only lets you buy lvl 2 revives and up = 40 units per lvl 2 revive.
  • Superman69Superman69 Member Posts: 534 ★★★
    RoL is basically just 2 fights, SW and Wolvy. Deal with them and you're golden.
  • ShrimkinsShrimkins Member Posts: 1,479 ★★★★
    I'm not a fan of the guillotine method for Wolvy... It's not nearly as easy as advertised unless you have r4 or r5 mystic dispersion.

    You can do it with SL if you're skilled enough. You should be able to beat WS with your SL without losing more than 10% of your life. If you can do that, you are probably ready.
  • RagamugginGunnerRagamugginGunner Member Posts: 2,210 ★★★★★
    Don't waste the pots and units by trying it w/o Guilly. Made that mistake pre-12.0 with a SW crit team. After a 45 min fight where we were both at full health I quit and brought in my 3* Guilly and took him down in 30 sec.
  • Josh2PlayJosh2Play Member Posts: 115
    @Shrimkins Last attempt i beat him with 70% health with a 193 combo, so i'm getting more consistent at it, so far i have beaten him 6 times in a row, captain marvel on the other hand.... i don't know why but i'm struggling more than with WS, i know she is so easy and this sounds dumb but idk, maybe it is because i don't get to practice so much against her.

    @RagamugginGunner Yeah gonna rank up MD and i have my 2 Star maxed Guillotine ready :) thank you for the tip.
  • JFerg114JFerg114 Member Posts: 122
    edited June 2017
    Side note: 4* SL can no longer outdamage wolverine's regen since they capped his damage. [/quote]

    This statement is not accurate his hit count for his signature ability is capped not his damage. If you got 300 hits off Wolvie will go down. Please stop giving out mis-information if you aren't sure what you are talking about.

  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,458 ★★★★★
    It is esay im didt it in on Go with gul you just hav to get lucky with Woverine reg
  • Batman05Batman05 Member Posts: 351 ★★
    JFerg114 wrote: »
    Side note: 4* SL can no longer outdamage wolverine's regen since they capped his damage.

    This statement is not accurate his hit count for his signature ability is capped not his damage. If you got 300 hits off Wolvie will go down. Please stop giving out mis-information if you aren't sure what you are talking about.


    He is correct on both parts first his damage is capped bc his ability is capped at 400 hits now, after 400 hits his damage no longer goes up. Before this change star Lott would need 600-700 hits to beat wolverine. Go watch mobile gamers YouTube to see it done. I used txt strange when I beat him. i don't see star lord being able to beat him after the changes

  • JFerg114JFerg114 Member Posts: 122
    Batman05 wrote: »
    JFerg114 wrote: »
    Side note: 4* SL can no longer outdamage wolverine's regen since they capped his damage.

    This statement is not accurate his hit count for his signature ability is capped not his damage. If you got 300 hits off Wolvie will go down. Please stop giving out mis-information if you aren't sure what you are talking about.

    He is correct on both parts first his damage is capped bc his ability is capped at 400 hits now, after 400 hits his damage no longer goes up. Before this change star Lott would need 600-700 hits to beat wolverine. Go watch mobile gamers YouTube to see it done. I used txt strange when I beat him. i don't see star lord being able to beat him after the changes


    Again this is incorrect sir and I don't even believe you beat RoL so there's that!
  • DaMunkDaMunk Member Posts: 1,883 ★★★★
    @Josh2Play you need to launch your lvl2 against wolverine asap when using Gully. I recommend fully understanding her ability before going in. On a side note I just watched a guy use a R4 4* Yondu beat Wolverine on YouTube...took about 550 hits but some mistakes were made letting his regen kick in. Good luck.
  • Batman05Batman05 Member Posts: 351 ★★

    Again this is incorrect sir and I don't even believe you beat RoL so there's that![/quote]

    It's not incorrect, you just don't like admitting you are wrong. And I beat that so long ago using the dr storage method. And that was before I had 5/50 champs. you may not believe it but it doesn't make it any less true. I can do it now without much effort now. My new goal is labyrinth of legends
  • Batman05Batman05 Member Posts: 351 ★★
    If starlords signature ability is capped at 400 could you explaine how his damage not capped? Once you get 400 hits his damage will not go up anymore. So hit 401 will be as much as hit 400 and so on. So yes his damage has been capped. It's not much of an issue tho for most game content.
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