Looking for players - Alliance rebuild

Ally running 5 x Map 3 (until we rebuild - then may review) and all wars. You must have LINE and communicate.

If you can handle a route on your own in war, I am interested - look me up in game Archdemon_ or on LINE matwylde . feel free to send a request to join.

We're laid back enough but expect the usual minimum contribution to Duels & Completion events. No treasury requirements until we move up to higher level alliance quests.

No time wasters please. 150k+ players with minimum full team of 4* r4 defenders + 2 attack teams (aw/aq at same time)


  • Archdemon_Archdemon_ Member Posts: 654 ★★
    You can also message DiogoSantos2099 or Kernel X in game
  • Archdemon_Archdemon_ Member Posts: 654 ★★
    4 places left at the moment - requirements dropped to 100k+ players.
  • Archdemon_Archdemon_ Member Posts: 654 ★★
    2 spaces left ideally want you in for war
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