Reflect Stun issues

Mr_OtterMr_Otter Member Posts: 1,614 ★★★
Hush! Yes it me again but before you all dismiss me I’ve found a peculiar bug

Now CWBP reflect stun (R-Stun) must come from a physical attack causes stun and during a special animation

Firstly is seems that sometimes Hulk and Ronan get reflected during their specials despite the fact they should be able to chain stun him without issue as it is part of their special that causes the stun and still appears in the animation. A rare occurance but it happens a LOT in the long run

Secondly… it happened with ARCHANGEL!

The stun was caused by neurotoxins expiring which is a result from a bleed occurring a poisoned enemy which can only be placed under certain circumstances when the enemy is under a bleed. The fact this results from an effect expiring is not from a physical source. It is not a “passive Stun”

No you could argue it’s due to all AA’s attacks being physical including how those debuffs were placed but…

LASTLY: It happens with Hood’s Shock expiration (THIS GUY)! The fact of the matter is the AVADACADABRA used to place the shock and the little spark used to refresh it IS energy.

What is going on?


  • Mr_OtterMr_Otter Member Posts: 1,614 ★★★
    Why flag this? I’m literally seeing abilities trigger when it should be impossible

    The only champs I’m aware that SHOULD trigger R-Stun is Jane when CWBP is under shock, and Gwenpool. Aside from that it’s all Parry as 99% of all stuns are from special attacks
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