I quit when 12.0 rolled out. Now I am back and wondering.

I redownloaded MCOC to see what is going on. Have they fixed the parry timing issues and AI impossible combos that happened with the 12.0 version? Is Dr. Strange still useless? I want to believe the game has been redeemed but if not I might as well resume my 2 year? break.


  • RajutedaRajuteda Member Posts: 565 ★★
    Parry will not work even when u block with the same timing...kabam have chosen to break mechanics in order to earn more moolah...

    No wonder soo many guys are quitting this game..

    If something isint fair...for how long will you put up?
  • Maverick75Maverick75 Member Posts: 805 ★★★
    Why these questions ? You downloaded the game, so you can make you own opinion easily
  • JOHNOSA1995JOHNOSA1995 Member Posts: 536 ★★
    Game is changing so much 4 star is trash this days game moved forward by loud of new champion
  • HeyheyheyHeyheyhey Member Posts: 84
    Don’t do it ...just enjoy your life
  • GrimmbearGrimmbear Member Posts: 639 ★★★
    Don't come back, trust me
  • Mainer123Mainer123 Member Posts: 543 ★★
    This last up date has been the worst it fixed no existing problems. And the help is freezing up and the chat is all fringed up. The only two parts of the game that have been working fine. So I would say it’s a ton worse than 12.0 ( all of 12.0 problems still here plus a ton more . The game is Really going down hill fast
  • Mainer123Mainer123 Member Posts: 543 ★★
    Haji_Saab wrote: »
    No glitches if u have an iphone 6s or better. Parry dexterity are all fine.

    Aah dude that means 99 percent of devices are sill bugged then So it’s far from fixed
  • TinklestinkieTinklestinkie Member Posts: 102
    It's actually worse.
    Lag imputs on many devices are brutal and frustrating. Some will claim that its a timing issue, but there's ample video evidence to support otherwise (and personal experience). I quit recently as well because of the imput lag. No imput lag was when the game was fun and challenging. Having sporatic controls over your champs is a game breaker for me.
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  • silverseraphsilverseraph Member Posts: 133
    the games unbalanced in a lot of ways, a lot of things are going to need to happen to change things, try to get one of the whales on youtube to make a post on it if you want them to respect you and pay attention, that seems to be the only thing that gets anything done. Otherwise just pray for there to be balance and diligent and honest moderators.
  • tutyimutyitutyimutyi Member Posts: 326
    Dr strange is useless,he gets no power and the game is full of unfair,dodgy and frustrating things,like constant bugs for more than half a year and overboosted ai.nothing happens with the issues,they are just getting worse.
  • tutyimutyitutyimutyi Member Posts: 326
    I am not worried,because all the problems are UNDER INVESTIGATION:D
  • TinklestinkieTinklestinkie Member Posts: 102
    CpcBoyboy wrote: »
    funny players complains on lag with parry or others lol if it was the real case how AW pilots have so low deaths counts? an alliance with only deaths its pretty funny, parry timing is YOURS FAULT thats it!

    "How AW pilots have low death counts?"

    Because whenever they experience any turbulance they yell "AwWWWW"!! out their cockpits and regain their composure to fly straight through it.

    That's why.
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  • tutyimutyitutyimutyi Member Posts: 326
    Where is the quality?
  • Dr_BrownDr_Brown Member Posts: 225
    Mainer123 wrote: »
    This last up date has been the worst it fixed no existing problems. And the help is freezing up and the chat is all fringed up. The only two parts of the game that have been working fine. So I would say it’s a ton worse than 12.0 ( all of 12.0 problems still here plus a ton more . The game is Really going down hill fast

    Chat has always been broken just use line
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  • Savio444Savio444 Member Posts: 1,781 ★★★★
    Game is changing so much 4 star is trash this days game moved forward by loud of new champion

    4* aren’t trash, people still put up over 10million points for 4 stars in arena. You can complete act 5 with 4*, if you have the right 4* or a bunch of units... Most current content can be completed with 4* so they are not trash, but no longer the best.
  • wSWeaponXwSWeaponX Member Posts: 366 ★★
    Stop lying, you never left lol
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  • DAVIDTHDAVIDTH Member Posts: 224
    1. Don't come back, already enough whiners in the forums
    2. 2. Parry and dex work just fine
    3. I'm not having problems with lag, people will just say anything
    4. If Kabam tries to balance champions everyone will just run a boycott so...
  • shchong2shchong2 Member Posts: 2,419 ★★★★
    Let me see, between now and then:
    1) number of bugs have quadrupled
    2) number of emergency maintenance have quadrupled
    3) number of players left the game have quadrupled
    4) number of complains have quadrupled
    5) number of posts asking for rank-down tickets, nerf champs and buff champs have quadrupled
    6) number of support or help requested being ignored have quadrupled
    7) number of accounts being banned have quadrupled
    8) number of shameful players asking to unban accounts have quadrupled
    9) number of champs avail have quadrupled
    10) number of rewards and resources have been stagnants

    Wait, nonono, none of the above-mentioned are true. Ever since you left, everything have improved significantly, best in class customer support, best in class server performance, best in class in-game mechanics & quality, best in class players, best in class rewards ... it is a shame you have been gone so long .... welcome back :) LOL and cheers!!!
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