Sentinel not Appearing in Adaptive Crystal

Duke_SilverDuke_Silver Member Posts: 2,421 ★★★★
Hey everyone! I just spun out two adaptive crystals and noticed that Sentinel didn’t appear once in the reel, the same happened to my friend who opened one. Wondering if this is just a visual glitch or if Sentinel actually isn’t in the crystal. Has anyone pulled him? Also I’m aware that this isn’t the case with the FGMC.

P.S. I got 4* Killmonger :)


  • juST4fUNjuST4fUN Member Posts: 172
    the spinning visual effect, as soon as you place the crystal for spinning the output is already determined.
  • Duke_SilverDuke_Silver Member Posts: 2,421 ★★★★
    Yeah I’m aware that the spinning is an animation but I’m wondering if anyone has pulled Sentinel
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,932 ★★★★★
    He's in there.
  • Unknown_SoldierUnknown_Soldier Member Posts: 154 ★★
    edited March 2018
    What's the point of having the option to spin it then? If the outcome is already predetermined why bother having the option at all. All it does is anger us...especially when it doesn't consistently work SAME EVERYTIME. I've seen it slow to a complete stop on a desirable champ and then shift over to a garbage champion at last second. Other times it slows to stop and stays stopped where u expect it to stop at. It's an A-hole function to have in a game.

    The drop system is trash saying it's "random" it's clearly NOT, I been playing over 3 years and I have trash for 5 stars....Kamela, Shehulk, Hulkbuster, B Panther Classic 3x Karnek 3x, Winter Soldier 3x Storm, Moon Knight, Collossus, Classic Magneto ONLY one mystic (Dormammu) AND 2 SEMI decent champs X23 and Night Crawler 2x) Others in my alliance got Blade sometimes 2x!, Medusa, Hulk, Arch Angel, Iceman, Rogue, Starlord, Voodoo....I been playing longer than some of them and yet NOT a single God Tier or Even Semi God champ out over 90+ heroes. I've invested a good amount of amount of money and A LOT of time so where's my return on investment?! If it's random where's my awesome champ when others have several?!

    Just do the people a favor who get screwed in this game and take out spin's insulting and cruel give us false hope we can get a decent champ if we attempt to spin....take it out!
  • Savio444Savio444 Member Posts: 1,781 ★★★★
    What's the point of having the option to spin it then? If the outcome is already predetermined why bother having the option at all. All it does is anger us...especially when it doesn't consistently work SAME EVERYTIME. I've seen it slow to a complete stop on a desirable champ and then shift over to a garbage champion at last second. Other times it slows to stop and stays stopped where u expect it to stop at. It's an A-hole function to have in a game.

    The drop system is trash saying it's "random" it's clearly NOT, I been playing over 3 years and I have trash for 5 stars....Kamela, Shehulk, Hulkbuster, B Panther Classic 3x Karnek 3x, Winter Soldier 3x Storm, Moon Knight, Collossus, Classic Magneto ONLY one mystic (Dormammu) AND 2 SEMI decent champs X23 and Night Crawler 2x) Others in my alliance got Blade sometimes 2x!, Medusa, Hulk, Arch Angel, Iceman, Rogue, Starlord, Voodoo....I been playing longer than some of them and yet NOT a single God Tier or Even Semi God champ out over 90+ heroes. I've invested a good amount of amount of money and A LOT of time so where's my return on investment?! If it's random where's my awesome champ when others have several?!

    Just do the people a favor who get screwed in this game and take out spin's insulting and cruel give us false hope we can get a decent champ if we attempt to spin....take it out!

    Actually it’s isn’t determined as soon as you spin it, it when you tap it. For example me and my brother where in the same ally for a while. We wanted to see how it worked. I would spin the crystal, he would check the alliance general notifications which say, someone opened this from their 4* crystal. When I spin it doesn’t show someone has opened anyone, but as soon as I tap to stop the crystal it shows it in the alliance. If it was already determined it would show when I spin.
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