Spider-Man (Stark Enhanced) Signature Value error at different ranks/stars

So, Sparky seems to have an inconsistent signature when looking at his sig values at different stars. Since both his crit rating and his block prof numbers are flat values, I will convert to percent assuming that the champ is facing an opponent of equal challenger rating. That will make all the percentages comparable across the different ranks and stars. Conversions are using the equation:
per_val = 100 * flat_val / (5 * challanger_rating + 1500 + flat_val)
Here is some of the data from the game.
Sparky Signature Data
Star | Rank | Sig | Chlgr_Rat | Crit Rating | Block Prof  | Crit Rating | Block Prof
     |      |     |           | >50% Health | <50% Health | >50% Health | <50% Health
     |      |     |           |     Flat    |     Flat    |   Percent   |  Percent
  2  |  3   |  1  |     40    |    19.3     |    34.69    |   1.12255   |    1.99978
  3  |  1   |  1  |     40    |    16.7     |    34.69    |   0.97280   |    1.99978
  2  |  3   | 28  |     40    |    32.97    |    60.13    |   1.90251   |    3.41622
  4  |  5   | 28  |    100    |   219.15    |    70.74    |   9.87540   |    3.41617
  4  |  4   | 20  |     90    |   157.44    |    65.99    |   7.47068   |    3.27333

As one can see, the Block proficiency numbers align with expectation. For the same Sig value, they return the same percentage numbers after the flat conversion. However, the Crit Rating numbers are all over the place. They don't match even for the same challenger rating and sig value, which should be a fundamental equalizer. In fact, the percent increase for 2* and 3* are so anemic to be essentially worthless, greatly devaluing these lower starred champs.
All the other champions match just fine using these conversions, including other champs that have a crit rating boost in their sig description. One example is Rocket Raccoon. Here is some example data for him.
Rocket Raccoon Data
Star | Rank | Sig | Chlgr_Rat | Crit Rating | Crit Rating
     |      |     |           |     Flat    |   Percent 
  3  |  4   |  56 |     70    |   1243.14   |  40.19023
  4  |  3   |  20 |     80    |    913.48   |  32.46798
  4  |  4   |  40 |     90    |   1178.34   |  37.66662
  4  |  4   |  99 |     90    |   1561.2    |  44.46343
  4  |  5   |  80 |    100    |   1500.49   |  42.86514
As can be seen here, RR sig data is along the same order of magnitude regardless of challenger rating after it's been converted to percentage. Other champs, like Falcon or Cyclops, behave in a similar manner to RR above.


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