It's not just Pure Skill that is worthless, Pierce is worthless too

With the free mastery reset, I decided to do some testing on Pierce to see how it is currently performing. I tested using 5* Storm against RoL WS with full mutant support synergies so I would crit frequently. I tried Pierce at all 3 levels with a few different mastery setups, and pretty much without fail, the following is the bottom line:
Each point in Pierce increases your damage on critical hits by ~1 to 1.1%. So, if you crit for 3000, each point in Pierce is adding just 30 damage.
I don't know about the rest of you, but this seems like a waste of mastery points to me. Much like Pure Skill, the juice is not worth the squeeze.
Each point in Pierce increases your damage on critical hits by ~1 to 1.1%. So, if you crit for 3000, each point in Pierce is adding just 30 damage.
I don't know about the rest of you, but this seems like a waste of mastery points to me. Much like Pure Skill, the juice is not worth the squeeze.
Ignores 5% of armor I mean.
It can't ignore armor if the opponent doesn't have any, similarly, if the opponent has lots of armor (HB, Colossus, etc) you will see it being MORE useful.
Doesn't RoL WS have beefed up armor higher than 99.9% of the fights you will encounter?
Cause that's so I tested on...
Buster would be a better example.
I didn't want to test on anyone who gets armor up buffs as that could change the numbers based upon the number of armor ups at any given point in the fight. Likewise, I didn't want to use a champ with fury for the same reason.
I did want class advantage optimal synergies to magnify it as much as possible.
All the technical stuff is in the hands of Kabam's new system. Which used to be fun to have control over our champs
Yeah me 2